*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Clothes shopping makes baby jesus sad :( I tried to pick up some new trousers for work the other day, I'm around a 32" waist but I bought some 34" for the arse and thigh room. Not a chance! So at the minute I'm still in my old 40"s with a belt and some serious amounts of spare fabric hanging around!
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
So I did my dedicated leg workout today which was hard. Here's how it went down.

Reverse DB Lunges
SLDL (need to keep stretching the hammys as they are restricting the ROM)
Leg Extensions
Calf Raises
Calf Presses
DB Front Squat (loved these, got so deep while keeping the lower back strong)

I find the shirts in T M Lewin are good - I wear the slim fit.
Yeah I have a T M Lewin shirt, it's one of my better ones. I'm going to have a look tomorrow, it's getting desperate as I'm down to 2 good shirts that fit :/

How did you do the DB front squats? Kind of like a goblet squat? I like those too, but can't do them currently as when I break at the knee first my ankle complains. A lot.
Working out in a gym so cold you can see your breath and the bars stick to your hands? MANLY.
This is what my gym is like! Not that I got to experience it today, the powerlifting room was closed for painting :( did a mobility session instead and hopefully returning tomorrow for a paint fume fuelled session!



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
Yeah I have a T M Lewin shirt, it's one of my better ones. I'm going to have a look tomorrow, it's getting desperate as I'm down to 2 good shirts that fit :/

How did you do the DB front squats? Kind of like a goblet squat? I like those too, but can't do them currently as when I break at the knee first my ankle complains. A lot.

Had to look up goblet squat, but yea that's what I did. Felt really good getting that low without the back going.
7 Nov 2004
Try these then, there great. I didn't go so wide but still felt good with only 30kg.

MAy do them today, getting my car MOT'd at 11:30 then ill pop to the gym, issue is...I didn't have a proper training day yesterday...

So...Do I just carry on and pretend its wednesday? Or shall I just have a proper legs session?
14 Jan 2007
Right, so I'm back home (home home not uni so no access to the gym) and am just wondering what exercises I can maximise fat loss until early January when I can get back to the gym.

All I could bring back was a 15kg plate, 10kg plate and 5kg plate (couldn't fit the Olympic bar in the car).

I'm thinking of doing the weight plate complex off the t-nation article every 2 days with plyometrics on the off days. I'll do both of these along with mobility work.

I did the complex yesterday along with the first days Mwod (am going to follow them through) and I'm far more knackered than I expected.

Anything people would change / suggest?
3 Oct 2009
MAy do them today, getting my car MOT'd at 11:30 then ill pop to the gym, issue is...I didn't have a proper training day yesterday...

So...Do I just carry on and pretend its wednesday? Or shall I just have a proper legs session?

Carry on as normal as though you did the session. Missing 1 day doesn't matter.
2 Jan 2009
I was meant to go the gym after work yesterday but was dragged in the pub by my colleagues.
3 pints later I got to the gym and found out that the gym was closing at 9 pm. It was 8:35 :/.

So I had my quickest workout ever, which went like:

Deadlift: 150x5
Leg Press 200x5, 250x5
Leg extension 110x5, 120x5
Incline DB press 36x10
Pullups BWx10
seated Cable rows: 84x5
Side raises 14x5x2
Cable crossovers 17.5x5

all done in 20 minutes. Nearly threw out when I got out of the gym.

the DB bench normally would have been 42x5, tried to get the 40's up and it didn't work so well considering I wasn't really resting between exercises
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Had to look up goblet squat, but yea that's what I did. Felt really good getting that low without the back going.
They're pretty good for you, just make sure you have zero bum wink.
Usually get mine from Debenhams
One of the few shops that Oxford has!
Right, so I'm back home (home home not uni so no access to the gym) and am just wondering what exercises I can maximise fat loss until early January when I can get back to the gym.

All I could bring back was a 15kg plate, 10kg plate and 5kg plate (couldn't fit the Olympic bar in the car).

I'm thinking of doing the weight plate complex off the t-nation article every 2 days with plyometrics on the off days. I'll do both of these along with mobility work.

I did the complex yesterday along with the first days Mwod (am going to follow them through) and I'm far more knackered than I expected.

Anything people would change / suggest?
Sounds like a pretty good plan.

Do PLP too! http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/plp_the_60day_challenge
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