Regarding squats...
First of all, interesting "suggested" video next to the "Death of Squating" video... (relevant bit is somewhere in the middle)
with Eric Cressey, who is awesome.
But I have a few thoughts myself.
Firstly, the leg press.
Lets assume that a good sled plate loaded leg press provides the best loading. It is often wondered why one can move more weight on such machines than when squatting, but a simple exmplanation is missed. Simple mechanics tells us that the load felt by the legs will actually be weight*sin(angle with floor), which can be significantly less (e.g. a 45 degree angle will reduce the weight by 15%). Then there are the standard issues with the specific mechanics of the machine, also including the way the seat is arranged which influences the depth of the movement.
Another factor undoubtedly is the increased neuromuscular complexity of the squat. It requires far more skill to control the muscles in the squat than with leg pressing equivilants. Problems with flexibility are also reduced because the body is kept fixed in place when leg pressing, and this is often a very big factor.
As to whether you should or shouldn't squat, it comes down to what you want to achieve. Sure there are ways to load the muscles of the leg that remove the lower back and other supportive muscles/ligaments/tendons from the equation, but if actual strength is of any concern then you should squat.
The exact reason for squats being harder is the reason to do them, you are training complex supportive structures of the body including the mechanism for hip drive. I think purely for the sake of hypertrophy there might be merit in doing leg pressing with quad/hamstring isolation, but you still won't be fully stimulating the other muscles.