Morba, morba, please, this is what I said, read this sentance again 10x until it gets into your head, please, please, please, theres no need to argue for absolutly nothing, read this sentance!
I'm not being vein, or arrogant, or anything there, I was just stating that I know that I'm fat, but I am big! I dont know any other way to word it.........christ sakes, you guys can argue about absolutly anything. drives me nuts!
And I was explaining in that paragraph how I feel torn in my head, because I am half wanting to lose weight and half wanting to get big, all the time I am torn between this decision! always chopping and changing, which is why I might come across as contradicting myself if I use words like fat or massive.
I obviously never meant for the word massive to mean I look like ronnie coleman type massive, I do look massive with or without clothes but I dont have huge muscles and am not lean.
I even posted pictures ages ago on pictures thread, which for me took guts tbh, but it seems like people just want to rip into me...As I can see from "skull's" words above he's being quite harsh when there's really no need to state the obvious. I've never hide the fact that I'm fat especially around my waste, and the fact that I uploaded pictures even proves that.
Sick of having to explain myself to you guys and also defend myself tbh...sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with a bunch of kids.
EDIT: Also, bouncers are bodybuilders too, everyone knows this, so why not compare yourself to them, everyone I know always compares themselves to bouncers and say bouncers are these huge guys and they're, bouncers are usually the biggest guys that you see in any given city. I live in Leeds, we have loads.