*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Get Chris training again already, he's annoying me

I am training. What I do is I use natural downtimes when I'm at home. Example of this is during a break on a TV channel I'll throw a few weights round. Another, when I'm popping the kettle on, I'll do 10 press ups while I wait. Utilising these spare moments gave me some strength to start in the gym.
I am training. What I do is I use natural downtimes when I'm at home. Example of this is during a break on a TV channel I'll throw a few weights round. Another, when I'm popping the kettle on, I'll do 10 press ups while I wait. Utilising these spare moments gave me some strength to start in the gym.

Presuming you are being serious, good man.

How is the back coping?
So, I’ve been lurking in the Sports Arena for a while now and in particular the ‘*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread *** ‘ and ‘ OcUK Bodybuilders: Post your pics’ threads and have decided it’s about time I contribute to proceedings…

A bit about me
Let’s roll back to June 2011…

It was round about this time a year or so ago that I decided enough was enough and I should start running to get fitter and lose some weight. I wasn’t particularly fat or anything, I’m 6’2 and weighed about 98kg. Although I did have a belly and this was what I wanted to lose… So, after a couple of months of running me and a friend decided (Foolishly..) that we should enter ourselves into a marathon!?! I needed a target to aim at and it seemed like an awesome challenge!? So, after a few emails we were registered to run the Brighton marathon. At the time with less than 9 months to the race to get fit and prepared. During this time I went from not even being able to run a mile without stopping, to being able to run 2 miles with no stops to eventually being able to run 12 miles without so much as a hint of a break. At the same time I overhauled my diet. My diet wasn’t brilliant and there was a lot of processed rubbish entering my system. However, during my training I cut out nearly all sweet and sugary stuff, crisps, alcohol etc. (Other than the odd weekend drink/birthday/cinema visit with sweets etc etc.) So not perfect by any stretch, but a massive improvement none the less.

Marathon time finally comes round and I’m massively under prepared. The longest run I had done up to that point was about 13 miles and I wasn’t feeling particularly confident at all… Anyway, me and my friend turn up at Brighton the night before smash a massive pasta/chicken/garlic bread dinner and then get all the sleep we can before the next day. We wake up the next morning and it is absolutely freezing and we are both bricking it quite a lot. (My friend had done even less preparation than me due to injuries and such like..) To cut a long story short I managed to crack my estimated time of 4 hours 30 minutes. I had ran the marathon in a time of 4 hours 11 minutes and 10 seconds and I was over the moon!

A few days later and I’m sat on the beach in Jamaica recovering. Even though the resort was all inclusive and I was eating and drinking like a king, by this point I had still lost around 2 stone in weight since I started my fitness drive and marathon training and was much happier about the way I looked. But I needed a new challenge…

My newest challenge for myself was to be able to bench press my own bodyweight. I hadn’t done any real weight training in quite a few years but seeing a few of the beasts around here and some of the awesome success stories shared on these boards, I thought it was time to go for it… :cool:

Unfortunately earlier in the year in the excitement about signing up for the Brighton marathon I had also signed up to the Canterbury half marathon on the 27th August. (Next week..) Because of this I’ve had to keep my ability to run a fairly long way without destroying myself which consequently meant I’ve still been doing a lot of running still. Luckily I have tracked nearly all of my running/Cycling in the sportstracker app on my iPhone. Here are my stats going back to when I first started training:

Total workouts: 93
Total time: 103:52:32
Distance travelled: 701.86 miles
Energy burnt: 86663 kcal

Looking at these numbers makes me quite proud as before I started I probably hadn’t ran/cycled for a good few years and despite thinking to myself as being ‘fairly fit’. The beginning of the marathon training proved I really wasn’t! Lol! :o

But I digress… My new goal was to be able to bench press my own bodyweight. So after scouring the internet and this very forum I happened on the Stronglifts routine. It seemed to tick all the right boxes. Simple, compound lifts, easy to follow and it seemed to yield excellent results for others. So I downloaded the app, dusted off the weights and decided to get stuck in. Here are my stats from when I started, 20/06/2012 to the 6/08/2012.

Stronglifts 5x5

Stats as of 20/6/2012
Bench: 38Kg
Squats: 38Kg
Deadlift: 78kg
Barbell Row: 28.5Kg
Overhead Press: 30kg

Stats as of 06/8/2012
Bench: 50.5Kg
Squats: 55.5Kg
Deadlift: 103kg
Barbell Row: 48Kg
Overhead Press: 40kg

Unfortunately due to my commitment with the running and the half marathon the weightlifting has had to take a back seat to the cardio work for the last few weeks… But as from the beginning of September I shall be going all out with the weights carrying on with Stronglifts.

So, pictures? Well I haven’t got a semi naked one from the year ago so you’ll just have to deal with the before picture I do have… :p It doesnt really help but you can see abulge around the stomach area. (Along with my rather camp drunken pose...)

Then @ 96Kg:


Now @ 77Kg:


So there you have it. Roll on the begining of September and the lifting of weights it brings. :)
bad night in the gym last night. hot and no energy, really struggled with deadlifts.

warmups blah blah
200x2x2 (really struggled with these, not happy at all)
225x1 (was meant to be 2, but just couldn't get 2nd off the floor)
180x7 (wanted 10).

This is not good. Struggling to rep 200 is a bad thing :(
for deadlifts i'm following ortmeyer's routine.

so last night should have been (rounded up/down slightly)
180x at least 8

As I failed the 225 I punished myself by doing 200x2 again (2nd set of 200), before the last 180 set.
Tbh if I wouldn't have done the 2nd 200x2 then I would have got more on the last set, but thats life.
Will repeat the week next week and hopefully have more energy to do it

Nope, bare naked skin at pesent. I suppose that could change as the weights go up though?!

Keep up the good work kingpin and pleased to see you ditched the gloves :D

I really can't wait to get stuck into the weightlifting properly and start seeing some bigger strength gains. I'll keep up the running, but it will be shorter distances like 6-8 miles or so.

Good work on the running :)

Thanks mate. :) It took quite a bit of work but i'm surprised how quickly my body took to it and its nice to get to a point where you know you can just stick your trainers on and go for a 4 mile run without any major issues.
Sweet thanks guys.

I think im moving in the right direction.

I may have mentioned this above, but something has made me gain quite a bit of strength in the interum.

I suspect that swimming has done quite a lot of good.

I did some dips yesterday for the first time in 4 weeks. Last time I was on 30kg assisted. Yesterday, I had to lower it to 20kg assisted to get any sort of workout, which is tremendous, considering I havent done it for 4 weeks!!

Also the little extras that Icecold added to my routine I think will give it a much better balance.

So thanks all.

Just got to see if after a few months my swimming sessions are lowering my bf% at all... and then adjust diet to match.


From the pics I posted whats a realstic bf% reduction over a year?


Just got to really build up the strength in my legs, as they are epicicly weak and lack muscle mass.

Do reverse lunges or the RDL do anything for hamstrings?
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RDL will hit the hammies more specificly I believe. Reverse lunges will hit them as well, as well as the quads.

Can anyone confirm?

Also, you're doing weighted dips? Are BW ones not good enough? :p I presume this is with legs dangling and not up on a bench? Well done though, I couldn't do weighted ones yet
Does any one use the sauna often?

My plan was to go 15mins after a swim to the sauna, but some guy I spoke to on Monday in the sauna said to me it can be bad for your sperm, doing the sauna too much?

Cant find anything about this online, internet suggests you can do sauna as often as you like, with no problems....
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