*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Was completely off my game today, I barely managed to get the 3X BW deadlift - it took all I had, last week was much easier but I got the video now...currently uploading :D Couldn't do much after that I just had no energy.
Very solid pull Temi, impressive stuff!

Take the trainers off though, you might even get a few more kgs on the bar.

btw when I asked for proof a few pages ago, I hope you realise it was just a poke at you using a pad when squatting ;)

Any videos of your squats? I know they aren't as big, but there must be something wrong with your technique given how nice your deads look.
Thanks :D Someone also mentioned deadlifting barefooted to me some weeks back but I always keep forgeting, bad habit :p

Its the only vid I've done atm, I'll watch more squats vids and see if I can improve
Just got to really build up the strength in my legs, as they are epicicly weak and lack muscle mass.

Do reverse lunges or the RDL do anything for hamstrings?
RDL's are arguably the best exercise you can do for the ham's. Technically difficult to get right as you need to teach yourself how to hinge at the hip and load the hamstrings to take the force off your lower back. Start light and elevate the toes to learn the movement, then progress to flat and then add weight.
Skipped the gym yesterday and slept for 12 hours instead, looks like not having a rest day in nearly two weeks DOES catch up with you :p

Can't wait to drag myself in tonight :) Loving 5/3/1, though I'm still tempted to go back on SS.
Wesley Snipes' little brother?!
Not often you see a black man doing proper lifts, good work fella :)

Agreed, was working along side the American Air Force earlier this year. Some black guy loaded 200kgs onto a bar, deadlifted it with (no warmup) some awful form like it was nothing.

Guy was a riot too, only American I seen drunk every weekend. With a supposed drink limit :p
:p Im a fat git then...

no m8 just low muscle mass if you were <10% you would look like youd been in a POW camp in vietnam, BF% is % of your weight that is fat and at your height with your respective lifts id peg the nail a little higher thats all. I have several annoying friends who are a bit on the flabby side who assume that a diet would only lose them an inch off their arms revealing a ripped bicep when in truth they carrying a few inches of fat easy just on the upper arms. Im 22% or so and you cant pinch any fat on my arms give or take. (arms is just an easy bodypart to single out as the difference between trained and untrained is easy to establish)
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