The fat I carry is the super stubborn to shift kind.
Half genetic / half environmental.
Never been very successfull in the past trying to shift it and at the moment, I am not really reducing my carbs at all as I eat extra due to needing fuel for weight sessions.
Some dude in gym suggested I try a reduced card diet, but I asked him how do you get energy for lifting if you minimise your carbs, he said, it isnt a problem for him and that your body gets used to it after a few weeks.
Does it have any merit? I dont feel too clever eating an extra sandwich and chicken breast 3times a week before weights sessions.
Its been 1 month of swimming and weights and yes I have got stronger, yes I can see a little change in the top half of my body, but alsmost 0% shift in body fat!
Mayb be, do some kind of low carb diet generally, but on weight days eat carbs pre workout?