*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

id say fat is a tad high, consider upping carbs and dropping fat. what you weigh?

Fats get such a bad rep, there is nothing wrong with a decent amount of what are considered the better fats to have, oils, nuts etc

I would think 2800 on a bulk is very low. Your not going to pack on fat on a larger surplus if your lifting hard and heavy.
Rubbish, 2.8k for someone his size is totally acceptable for a bulk, infact i bet its a tad to much, and the bulk wont be as lean as he may expect.

Also you will pack on fat on a larger surplus then required even if your lifting hard and heavy. The amount you require to be in a surplus will be higher if your lifting heavy, but if your eating way in excess of what you need you will get fat.
Thats why lazy people who eat shed loads of food, even if they lift, get fat. Look at a few of the WSM competetors. THey are not in it for the physique, and they eat loads to make sure that they are in surplus, you will see very few lean Strongmen around because of this.

I look forward to more of your unconsistent and unsupported advice
So many eggs, I take it cholesterol isn't an concern. Why no egg whites? 1/3 ratio or 1/2 would be more beneficial.

jaysus every time i come in here.....

Just to reiterate Freefaller

Eggs may CONTAIN cholesterol but that doesnt add it to your blood, the body breaks down cholesterol ingested and produces its own. Your cholesterol levels remain unaffected by intake of cholesterol in food. The reason diet affects cholesterol is that high intakes of saturated fats CAN promote higher bodily cholesterol levels, but largely cholesterol is dictated by a combination of genetics and general health.

In short eat eggs, lean down, build muscle and STFU
I know this wont be much for some of you, but for me its a massive achievement. Finally hit 80KG bench on friday. My goal was the end of the month so mega chuffed. Manged 2x5 of those (after doing 4 sets of slightly lower weights) so now its to see if i can get 5x5 out of them and then move up some more.

Gonna try and get to 90kg by end of july and then 100kg by end of year. If you remember there was one point months ago that I never thought id get past my 60KG slump! I really believe that me alternating gym sessions between benching and dumbell press has helped a lot with this.
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I know this wont be much for some of you, but for me its a massive achievement. Finally hit 80KG bench on friday. My goal was the end of the month so mega chuffed. Manged 2x5 of those (after doing 4 sets of slightly lower weights) so now its to see if i can get 5x5 out of them and then move up some more.

Gonna try and get to 90kg by end of july and then 100kg by end of year. If you remember there was one point months ago that I never thought id get past my 60KG slump! I really believe that me alternating gym sessions between benching and dumbell press has helped a lot with this.

Good effort mate! :)

I know your pain, so frustrating when you get a block in the gym. My lifts have plateaued for a while now.
Going to have to begin to introduce some cardio a little more regularly in the week as I appear to have plateaued slightly over the last few days with CNS/back loading, though it could just be a brief sticking point. I've had the odd session of HIIT/Tabata at the weekend and more recently just gone some BB complexes and brief circuit work (skipping/high knees/mountain climbers etc).

I prefer HIIT but after a workout having eaten around BMR it's going to be a no go due to fatigue. Perhaps on the off days in the week with some SS for 10-20 minutes PWO. Blergh, hate steady state.

Doing something in the mornings on Tuesdays & Thursdays before work would be best (or the evenings though I'm more fond of AM) and could be possible if I shift my hours slightly at work. Can't see myself getting up too much earlier!
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I know this wont be much for some of you, but for me its a massive achievement. Finally hit 80KG bench on friday. My goal was the end of the month so mega chuffed. Manged 2x5 of those (after doing 4 sets of slightly lower weights) so now its to see if i can get 5x5 out of them and then move up some more.

Gonna try and get to 90kg by end of july and then 100kg by end of year. If you remember there was one point months ago that I never thought id get past my 60KG slump! I really believe that me alternating gym sessions between benching and dumbell press has helped a lot with this.

Well done man. It doesn't matter how strong you are a pb is always a pb! :D
Good afternoon chaps,

Been a while since posting here!

Can anyone recommend a pair of running shoes upto about 75 quid? After hitting a lot of cardio lately, after a session the soles of my feet feel red raw! (Doing it all in 5 quid river island daps is not favoured!)

Thanks :D

Would something like these fare me well?
If you are doig a lot of running geta pair that suit yourrunning style. This will involve going to a proper running shop however, but is worth doing to product your feet and knees.
Would appreciate some advice on my workout.

After my last post here I've made a conscious effort to improve my diet, I can't remember the last time I had any crisps / chips / sweets etc.

A typical workout day is as follows:


You might think 3 shakes is too much but I find that come 2-3PM I'm hungry and a shake fills me up and provides enough energy for my workout at 5PM. Carb wise it's always either rice or sweet potato, and I tend to vary the meats - chicken, sirloin steaks, gammon joints and occasionally homemade mince burgers for a treat.

I decided on a full body workout 3x a week, with different exercises. I enjoyed the following as it's a different workout each time which keeps things fresh and more importantly, enjoyable. I went for the aim of 10 reps for the majority of exercises, adding weight when I could do 10 reps with good form. As you can see, I was progressing quite well (admittedly the weights were fairly low).


(the gains continue to around early May)

No squats due to knee pain (I find even the leg press / calf raises brings it out too). I am seeing a physio who suggests the reason for the knee pain is reduced mobility and has me doing stretches, and this seems to be improving so hopefully I can include them in the future.

I did see some good size gains doing the above routine however over the last few weeks I seemed to have reached a plateu on pretty much everything and my motivation is rapidly declining, so here I am. :(

I was resting for around 2 minutes in between sets, and 3 minutes in between exercises. From researching online for hypotrophy I tried to reduce these times to 1 minute between sets, and 2 minutes between exercises with a strict 2-1-2 rep time. I'm struggling to lift even half of what I was doing before and let's face it, they're not huge weights. I feel like a right weakling!

Now that the summer is here I'd like to throw in a run once or twice a week and a bike ride at the weekend.

Last week I did the following:

Mon - weights
Tues - 3 mile run
Weds - weights
Thurs - 3 mile run
Fri - weights
Sat - bike ride
Sun - rest

I'm thinking this is probably too much? Maybe drop one of the runs and increase the distance on the other day?

Going back to the workout, do I continue with the lower rest times / 2-1-2 timing and suck it up? Or switch to a split / different full body routine? Or start training for strength to get the weights up?

Apologies for the long post but I hate feeling like this after such an encorouging few weeks and I'm pretty clueless on how to better myself.

Phaser, you're doing too much. Cut back the number of sets you per workout, reduce or eliminate some of the isolation movements and drop the cardio.
I'd personally get rid of all the isolation movements for the deltoids, they get enough work from all the pressing and back work you do.

You're doing 23 sets per workout, try halving that and see how it goes.
Legs take up a lot of energy, you shouldn't leave them to the end of the workout when you're already exhausted.

Also, no point in doing close grip bench and bench the same workout. Your triceps still get work with the bench press.
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3 x 10 deadlifts


Why not?

Phaser, you're doing too much. Cut back the number of sets you per workout, reduce or eliminate some of the isolation movements and drop the cardio.
I'd personally get rid of all the isolation movements for the deltoids, they get enough work from all the pressing and back work you do.

You're doing 23 sets per workout, try halving that and see how it goes.
Legs take up a lot of energy, you shouldn't leave them to the end of the workout when you're already exhausted.

Also, no point in doing close grip bench and bench the same workout. Your triceps still get work with the bench press.

This entire post makes no sense to me, especially the close grip bench and bench comment? It's not even like he's doing a body part split, he's doing a full body split.
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Not sure if this belongs in the supplements thread or here more, but baked beans. Seems like a good option diet wise (20g protein per can!) but doesn't get mentioned often here, any reason for that? I mean it's quick and easy as hell!
I've looked at a few full body routines online and the majority seem to be within the 20-25 set range.



I have been looking at the Hercules workout which would see me at around 15 sets per workout, perhaps this is something to try for a few weeks...


I do legs at the end as I find I've still got more than enough energy for them - bare in mind I'm doing leg presses and calf raises, it'd probably be a different story if I was saving squats till the end.

Lately I've been swapping the close grip bench for lying tricep extensions as I find I really get the stretch with them and feel it a lot more the following day. :)
Why not?

This entire post makes no sense to me, especially the close grip bench and bench comment?

He's stalling because he's clearly overtraining. If he cut back on the amount of volume he did and dropped the cardio he'd get better results.

Close grip bench is mainly for the triceps, but they get enough stimulation from regular bench press which is a better overall compound exercise.
He's stalling because he's clearly overtraining. If he cut back on the amount of volume he did and dropped the cardio he'd get better results.

Close grip bench is mainly for the triceps, but they get enough stimulation from regular bench press which is a better overall compound exercise.

It just seemed like a crazy over generalisation.

I also know plenty of people who have done CGBP with normal bench press, along with dips.
I would like to continue with the running as I was hoping to do Tough Mudder this year - even if it's once a week. Should I drop 1 workout to compensate for this?

The bike ride of a weekend isn't anything too strenuous - normally 15-20 miles. Really enjoy this so wouldn't like to give it up.
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