Would appreciate some advice on my workout.
After my last post here I've made a conscious effort to improve my diet, I can't remember the last time I had any crisps / chips / sweets etc.
A typical workout day is as follows:
You might think 3 shakes is too much but I find that come 2-3PM I'm hungry and a shake fills me up and provides enough energy for my workout at 5PM. Carb wise it's always either rice or sweet potato, and I tend to vary the meats - chicken, sirloin steaks, gammon joints and occasionally homemade mince burgers for a treat.
I decided on a full body workout 3x a week, with different exercises. I enjoyed the following as it's a different workout each time which keeps things fresh and more importantly, enjoyable. I went for the aim of 10 reps for the majority of exercises, adding weight when I could do 10 reps with good form. As you can see, I was progressing quite well (admittedly the weights were fairly low).
(the gains continue to around early May)
No squats due to knee pain (I find even the leg press / calf raises brings it out too). I am seeing a physio who suggests the reason for the knee pain is reduced mobility and has me doing stretches, and this seems to be improving so hopefully I can include them in the future.
I did see some good size gains doing the above routine however over the last few weeks I seemed to have reached a plateu on pretty much everything and my motivation is rapidly declining, so here I am.
I was resting for around 2 minutes in between sets, and 3 minutes in between exercises. From researching online for hypotrophy I tried to reduce these times to 1 minute between sets, and 2 minutes between exercises with a strict 2-1-2 rep time. I'm struggling to lift even half of what I was doing before and let's face it, they're not huge weights. I feel like a right weakling!
Now that the summer is here I'd like to throw in a run once or twice a week and a bike ride at the weekend.
Last week I did the following:
Mon - weights
Tues - 3 mile run
Weds - weights
Thurs - 3 mile run
Fri - weights
Sat - bike ride
Sun - rest
I'm thinking this is probably too much? Maybe drop one of the runs and increase the distance on the other day?
Going back to the workout, do I continue with the lower rest times / 2-1-2 timing and suck it up? Or switch to a split / different full body routine? Or start training for strength to get the weights up?
Apologies for the long post but I hate feeling like this after such an encorouging few weeks and I'm pretty clueless on how to better myself.