*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

What's up with Reg Park and the 5x5 routine? Mehdis routine goes against everything Reg did. Reg did long hours in the gym up to 3 a day and work on isolation exercises like barbell curls, chin ups, pull ups, tricep extensions, calve extensions.

Is Mehdis Strong lifts routine a modified version? Reg had 3 phases too, kinda confused. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=144133281&page=1

This is another routine I've found http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=121204741&page=1

I was all excited for this 5x5 thing because I heard Reg invented it :( My friend said he's going back to his old routine, this Reg does even more than we did before. After seeing Mehdi's youtube videos I'm not keen on his form either, they way he drops the weight fast on rows and squats. Keep reading how getting strong doesn't get you big too and it looks like the people in the photos didn't gain loads of muscle but lost more weight.

We're just talking about it now and my friend said it's too much squats because it's going to burn into the muscle you gained as there is no rest. It's eating into your gains. Using too much lactose acid which eats into your muscle. That's why he only races only once a week on his racer.
my friend said it's too much squats

my friend said it's too much squats
So much this.

Wft is that entire post...

Strong science.

Strong common sense.
Rule number 1: don't over think things. With the greatest of respect, when you have been at this for a bit longer you are then able to talk about other's form. While Mehdi comes across as a bit of a douche at times, when you can squat 400lbs, feel free to criticise his form! :D

Stronglifts 5x5, starting strength, etc are all fine routines.

Better watch out for that lactose acid though, eats dem gainz. Stay away from the milk.

I don't care how much he can squat. That's like saying if an English teacher mispells a word he's still right because he's been around long and has a phd. I don't like his form, it makes me nervous just watching, I saw him in another video with four guys and they all had perfect form except Mehdi.

Looks like the 5x5 is just good for strength, I'll try it then move on because I want to get bigger.

And it is too much squats, you're not giving your legs enough time to recover if you're doing squats three times a week. Maybe that's why Mehdi has weak calves.
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You are utterly clueless and your metaphor is inaccurate.

It's like somebody who is at their first day of school (you) commenting that their teacher's style is wrong. When you have lived it, then your opinion becomes worthwhile.

From all your comments since you have graced this sub forum it seems that you are intent on making comments that are inane, ill founded or just plain wrong.

You don't listen, have no idea about physiology (Lol at weak calves comment) are unwilling to listen to others and think that you know it all.

I'm a bit surprised that, given your present attitude, that people are giving you the time of day. Good luck for your goals.

OK just seen the log update - you are clearly having a giggle mate I swear. 140kg squat indeed.
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I don't even.

Troll is obvious, ban from SA or something?

Anyhooo, serious question/post/ramble:

Been on a cut now for 8 or 9 weeks. It's working, losing slowly and weighing less than I have since I was about 20 and I think I saw top right corner of an ab the other day. Great news.

That said, I am feeling more aches, twinges, pains than I have before and I genuinely intrigued to what extent my reduced intake is adversely affecting my body's long term recovery. I am on a fair calorie deficit, -30/-10, but I make sure to "re-feed" every 2-3 weeks with a big day of 3-4k calories.

I am having a week off, lots of stretching, ball rubbing and the like and then from next week I will continue the cut till I reach my target weight (4kg to go)

Routine wise, I have been doing a 4 day split with a fair amount of volume and I think this might be too taxing on a calorie deficit. So would be grateful for any suggestions as to a better approach for the next 6 weeks?
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I actually understand why it could be difficult to moderate this sub forum, it's got a different 'personality' than GD, Gaming etc. and it must be difficult making a judgement call when a thread descends in to bickering and name calling... Even more so when it's just a bunch of friends bashing each other for their sexual pretences!

I don't even.

Troll is obvious, ban from SA or something?

Anyhooo, serious question/post/ramble:

Been on a cut now for 8 or 9 weeks. It's working, losing slowly and weighing less than I have since I was about 20 and I think I saw top right corner of an ab the other day. Great news.

That said, I am feeling more aches, twinges, pains than I have before and I genuinely intrigued to what extent my reduced intake is adversely affecting my body's long term recovery. I am on a fair calorie deficit, -30/-10, but I make sure to "re-feed" every 2-3 weeks with a big day of 3-4k calories.

I am having a week off, lots of stretching, ball rubbing and the like and then from next week I will continue the cut till I reach my target weight (4kg to go)

Routine wise, I have been doing a 4 day split with a fair amount of volume and I think this might be too taxing on a calorie deficit. So would be grateful for any suggestions as to a better approach for the next 6 weeks?
Yeah. Keep lifting as you have. If you cannot see abs, then your body fat has not dropped especially low such that some major alteration is mandated. Just keep going. Maybe one week off might help matters. It often does in these circumstances.

Next: ditch the refeeds. I used to recommend these obsessively, but after much thought I began to feel that they were being misused and abused. The purpose of structured refeeds, really, is supposed to be restoring diminished glycogen stores which in turn is supposed to help restore normal hormone function (levels of leptin, ghrelin, thyroid) - this in turn has positive effects on appetite control, mood etc and thus makes dietary adherence easier. The refilled glycogen stores, additionally, will help with working out. This all sounds well and good, except that it seems unlikely that one big refeed every 2-3 weeks or so is going to have a great effect in the grand scheme of things. Add to that that at higher body fat levels the adverse effects of diet on hormonal function and even on exercise are just going to be less.

I like tactical refeeds, but think they are better in people with very low body fat and done on a frequent basis, even as often as a few times a week (hence good for people trying to lose that last bit of fat slowly rather than rapidly). I don't think the refeed has an enormous amount of benefit for you, and indeed is more likely to slow you down from reaching your targets. In sum, my opinion is that the physiological advantages of the refeed are too insignificant in your case for it to be warranted or recommended.

Plan some cheat meals instead. The odd one here and there, once a week or whatever, won't do much harm (unless you go psycho at an eat-all-you-can buffet) and will help psychologically.
After some advice, looking for a Pull up bar that goes in the door frame. There are a lot out there some better than others, any suggestions before I purchase? Cheers
After some advice, looking for a Pull up bar that goes in the door frame. There are a lot out there some better than others, any suggestions before I purchase? Cheers

Not sure any of us will be able to help, because we actually lift..

Joking aside, from what I've read they can be hit or miss depending on your door frame/ceiling height. You may hit your head on the ceiling.
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