Yes mate by all means please do so! Yeah I think they may be a favourite, haven't had a burn like that since I started lifting 4 month ago.
Right, I've had a think... bear in mind this is me as a weightlifter, not a bodybuilder, but in the absence of anything else, here is my take on a quasi-mass routine...
- Back squat (5*5);
- Barbell overhead press (standing/sitting/whatever) ss/w narrow grip chins (4*6);
- Dumbell row (3*8);
- Lat raise superset with reverse dumbell flys (4*10s...
- Core work (planks, deadbugs, barbell roll-outs, candlesticks, dragon flags...) [2*5].
- RDLs (3*5);
- Goblet squat (3*10);
- Wide grip chins (4*6);
- Dumbell bench (3*8);
- Core work (as above...)
- Dumbell thruster (miserable exercise!) or back squat (3*5);
- Barbell row (3*5);
- Incline bench (3*8);
- Plated-loaded pushups (3*10);
- Biceps (curlz) [millions... or 3*10] ss/w tricep pushdowns (as broceps),
My general take is getting your hormones buzzing at the start of each workout in a way that would theoretically help you get as big as you can. Supposedly.
The premise is for big compounds to start, followed by less interesting exercises. The above routine may be helpful, but also isn't for everybody (as I am almost completely obsessed with leg work).
Alternatively, look at Steedie's log as he has some thoroughly miserable exercise routines in there based alone a more typical bodybuilding split. However, as he never posts photos, I have no idea if his workouts actually achieve anything.
Feel free to use whatever you want or do not want.
What I
would suggest - regardless of routine - is to hit it hard for 4-6 weeks and then have a think about what is or is not working. You also need to think carefully about your diet as it is pretty bad.
EDIT: Forgot you love your cables. Add these in after your incline and flat bench work. The alternative is to go for the whole explosive concentric and very slow eccentric compound lifts but these are much harder to manage.