I can see their point on people with ATP to be honest. I've never got on with them as they end up just pulling everything out of place.
Postural dysfunction or poor core control exacerbated through savage exercise/loaded shocker? Who would have thought?
I had a discussion about this a couple of months ago, and the idea applies to all deficits: don't go too deep as even with exceptional core control structural limitations in anatomy kick in which force the lumbar into flexion:
Postural dysfunction or poor core control exacerbated through savage exercise/loaded shocker? Who would have thought?
I had a discussion about this a couple of months ago, and the idea applies to all deficits: don't go too deep as even with exceptional core control structural limitations in anatomy kick in which force the lumbar into flexion:
Hit a 122.5kg squat today. 10kg pb in 2 weeks. Soon I'll be beating my all time PB.
You forgot to mention you only weigh 48kg.
I watched a marathon today and quite fancy doing another one - am I going straight to hell?
You forgot to mention you only weigh 48kg.
I watched a marathon today and quite fancy doing another one - am I going straight to hell?
Not straight, no. You will have to return all of your gains, first...
Even worse than hell, a Herbalife convention.
If I do Smolov first, does that cancel out my bad behaviour?
285.7kg deadlift tonight. Really pleased as back was sore after warmups but settled down after getting going.
Guy I trained with said he reckons a 290 would have been on the cards if I didn't go for the 275 first which was harder than the top end.
If I do Smolov first, does that cancel out my bad behaviour?
Nice work! Got vids?
Hit 6 triples at 90% with squat and bench today. Almost psyched myself out of even trying the calculated weights (dat lack of confidence) but decided not to listen to my noisy inner critic and give it a go. Got all 18 reps for both... that was pretty good!
Bench is finally starting to feel like it makes sense and since the squats were with 100kg I can finally say I'm doing 2 plates with full depth for repz. Pity my 'bulk' still has me hovering around 63kg most days. Must up calories again.
Managed to hit 82.5kg x 2x1 on bench today for an all time pb!