*** The 2015 Gym Rats Thread ***

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11 Jun 2013
Accidentally did some starved cardio on the ride in today - good bye sweet gains!

After yessterdays first ride to work in ages, dinner barely touched the sides and I was still starving. This mornings headwind then finished me off! Have dealt with it though - 2 pints of milk, a dirty flapjack, banana and protein flapjack and now eyeing up some elevenses :D
11 Jun 2013
Hi guys,

Can someone recommend some shorts and training tops for a fatty please? :)

When I say fatty, I have a 36" waist, 31" inner leg and 46" chest.

I'll be doing a combination of cross trainer, weights and core work, if it makes any difference?

I just don't want to look like 'that new gym fatty', yet work out in something comfortable that won't ride up etc.

I do road cycling as well, so if it could double up then happy days.

My advice, and it's a bit false given I workout at home, but no-one is looking. And if they are, then whatever - let them look. Get to the gym in whatever feels comfortable and smash the weights - that's what matters
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
My advice, and it's a bit false given I workout at home, but no-one is looking. And if they are, then whatever - let them look. Get to the gym in whatever feels comfortable and smash the weights - that's what matters

I work out at home too. Usually it turns into a bit of a strip-show as I get more and more sweaty :p

This might not be good advice for the gym, however....
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Some of the ingredients are hilarious, not sure how people rely on these to lose weight. Granted I think they can be very useful for losing that extra pound or two in a pre-contest diet if used properly, but just used casually as part of a way to get lean, they wouldn't do anything.

I remember my last show, I used Gaspari Mitotropin. Crazy stuff. Used to make me feel so sick and hot all day, would feel like I had a fever and would sweat constantly, but they stopped making them...probably for good reason! :p
30 Jul 2008
Fd up at my pathetic attempts at pull and chin ups so going to get a bar for home. Is the powerbar 2 still the best chin up bar that you can hang in a doorway?
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Considering this is my second week going. I'm trying to lose weight and gain muscle, I was upping what I did from last week in my pathetic efforts and least I'm lifting more. Below is what I managed last night. Legs tonight! :D

Today I have:

Bench Press 3x12-10-8 @ 55KG
Bent over Row 3x12 @ 25KG
DB Shoulder Press 3x12 @ 30KG
Lying tricep extension 3x12 @ 20KG
BB Curl 3x12 @ 30KG

See if I can manage 50 press today. I had insanity cardio this morning and then rode to work. Nice little warm up for the day.

Keep on pushing on! My triceps are my worst man, I need to get something there! It's a start and you have to start somewhere. :)
25 Sep 2006
So, more questions about bulking.

I'm looking to do a slow lean bulk rather than go crazy with it. I'm trying to work out what an appropriate kcal surplus is for this but I'm getting conflicting advice. I'm going to be doing other exercise (lots of cycling) so my total kcal intake will be pretty high no matter what. I'm tempted to count my weight training as about 300 kcal - so it'd be an additional 300 kcal on top of eating back my cycling calories and such. Obviously I'd be aiming for around 2500 per day before any exercise is factored in - though that's an estimate of my TDEE of course. I'll make sure to keep my protein at 'totes propes' levels, so probably 140g or so with a decent amount of fat and carbs.

140g isn't a poverty amount of protein, in fact that is more or less what I consistently aim for. 0.7g/lb.

Based on the assumption that I calculate my TDEE correctly and I'm doing some stronglifts-like routine is this going to be a good approach to slowly gain mass? I don't really want to go overboard and then have to cut massively at some point. I've been cutting for the last year.

Having lots of variables in the mix all at once will make things a little tricky so the best approach is to make your best estimates and then observe your weight trend.

I would agree 300cals for your weight training + whatever you burn cycling to begin with.

Weighing yourself daily isn't the best idea when trying to gauge your caloric requirements, as normal fluctuations can cause you to think you are losing or gaining when really, it's just water weight etc.

Work out a number and stick to it for two weeks, weighing yourself at the end of both weeks. Then either add or remove calories accordingly

Taking a weight reading one day a week (won't always) but can still allow you to misinterpret trends.

I personally prefer to weigh myself daily but only pay attention to my 7 day moving average which accounts for fluctuations in food volumes, choice and meal times.
7 Nov 2004
Fd up at my pathetic attempts at pull and chin ups so going to get a bar for home. Is the powerbar 2 still the best chin up bar that you can hang in a doorway?

No idea on that one, but as long as it actually hangs over the door frame rather than in between the door you should be safe...
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
Considering this is my second week going. I'm trying to lose weight and gain muscle, I was upping what I did from last week in my pathetic efforts and least I'm lifting more. Below is what I managed last night. Legs tonight! :D

Keep on pushing on! My triceps are my worst man, I need to get something there! It's a start and you have to start somewhere. :)

What kind of bent over row do you do btw? The gentleman's choice is pendlay rows ;)

Post for me. Find it's more effective.

I'll have to give that a try :p

140g isn't a poverty amount of protein, in fact that is more or less what I consistently aim for. 0.7g/lb.

Yeah... I didn't mean to imply that I thought 140g of protein was too low or anything. If anything that's slightly over what I imagine is required for whatever my LBM is (I need to work that out sometime...).

Having lots of variables in the mix all at once will make things a little tricky so the best approach is to make your best estimates and then observe your weight trend.

I would agree 300cals for your weight training + whatever you burn cycling to begin with.

Agreed. There's a lot of complicating factors so I think I'm going to have to suck it and see. Monitor my weight trends and try to make sure weight and weights move in the right direction and at the right speed.

Taking a weight reading one day a week (won't always) but can still allow you to misinterpret trends.

I personally prefer to weigh myself daily but only pay attention to my 7 day moving average which accounts for fluctuations in food volumes, choice and meal times.

I've definitely had issues when taking weekly readings. One time the night before I'd been out to the pub and ended up skipping dinner. I was super happy about my apparent weight loss the next morning. Until I stopped being dehydrated/etc :p
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
I'm not a fan of single arm stuff simply because I am always in a rush. I probably should change that at some point but as it is it just doesn't feel like an efficient use of my time :)
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