*** The 2015 Gym Rats Thread ***

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11 Jun 2013
Absolutely normal - I predict a few weeks and you'll be able to add 2.5/5kg per session before it gets hard again on 50+

Squats are for winners, and legends, and legends that win
5 Jun 2013
Failed squats for 3 workouts now at 87.5kg, time for my first 10% deload.

Need to eat more to lift more weight, want to eat less to lose weight. Why do I have to have conflicting goals.
18 Jun 2012
North/East London
Hey guys, switched to Phraktures Greyskull LP variant and added a few accesory workouts after I got bored of PPL... I've been doing IIFYM set at a deficit, thus eating 1930 kcal per day. I haven't lost much weight but do think that I have lost a bit of fat around the abdomen. However I've come to a stage now where I havent progressed in my lifts and feel tired and lack energy (daily carb consumption at 160g)... Maybe it's time to up the calories?
Man of Honour
3 Apr 2003
Hey guys, switched to Phraktures Greyskull LP variant and added a few accesory workouts after I got bored of PPL... I've been doing IIFYM set at a deficit, thus eating 1930 kcal per day. I haven't lost much weight but do think that I have lost a bit of fat around the abdomen. However I've come to a stage now where I havent progressed in my lifts and feel tired and lack energy (daily carb consumption at 160g)... Maybe it's time to up the calories?

How do you look and feel about it?

Are you looking to get shredded or shift some poundage?
17 Jun 2010
Failed squats for 3 workouts now at 87.5kg, time for my first 10% deload.

Need to eat more to lift more weight, want to eat less to lose weight. Why do I have to have conflicting goals.

Hey guys, switched to Phraktures Greyskull LP variant and added a few accesory workouts after I got bored of PPL... I've been doing IIFYM set at a deficit, thus eating 1930 kcal per day. I haven't lost much weight but do think that I have lost a bit of fat around the abdomen. However I've come to a stage now where I havent progressed in my lifts and feel tired and lack energy (daily carb consumption at 160g)... Maybe it's time to up the calories?

IMO recomposition is fine and dandy if you're a beginner, coming back after a long-term lay-off, on drugs, or pretty fat (and have a lot of freely available energy floating around) but past a certain point it's much easier/quicker to choose one goal to avoid spinning your wheels - fat can be lost a lot faster than muscle can be gained so for most people who're not very overweight it can often be much easier to think long term, diet down to something leanish like 10% or so (which isn't very hard compared to single digits) and accept your lifts won't likely go anywhere and not try to push them, then begin a typical cycle of slow bulk/moderate cut at something like a 3:1 ratio e.g. 9 months gaining 3 months dieting split up into a couple of phases of each over year.

For recovery purposes a lot of the time it's easier to just aim to maintain your lifts while dieting then when in a gaining phase you can work on your linear or periodised progression. You can gain strength while dieting but typically this requires certain variables to be in place and it tends to be a bonus - trying to PR all the time on a diet will run you into the ground a lot more than if you just keep the weight on the bar the same (and maybe go for more if you feel awesome).
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11 Jun 2013
Need to eat more to lift more weight, want to eat less to lose weight. Why do I have to have conflicting goals.

Do you want to lose weight or lose fat? I am slightly concerned about putting on weight due to cycling and wanting to be able to get up the hills but otherwise eating well and lifting more sounds like it would transform the body nicely
18 Jun 2012
North/East London
Thanks for the replies guys.... I think I do have conflicting goal's.... Want to loose some chubs and get dem shreds but also want to get the lifts back to a decent level... I'll weigh myself and put some current pics on here.
18 Oct 2002
Made a gingerly return to squats today after a week off due to Hip Flexor pain. I've used the time away to focus mobility and stretching. However whilst the stretching has improved my range of motion, the flexor pain is still there to some extent. Guess I'll give it another week.

Hurt my bloody shoulder whilst letting me elbows flare on bench last week too. Strong lifts week 14 has been the worst one yet. Back to the drawing board it seems, probably take a 20% deload across the board and focus on form.
5 Jun 2013
Do you want to lose weight or lose fat? I am slightly concerned about putting on weight due to cycling and wanting to be able to get up the hills but otherwise eating well and lifting more sounds like it would transform the body nicely

Mainly lose fat, not as fussed about what I actually weigh, but less always helps when getting up hills. Hovering around 99kg atm so plenty of room to bring that downwards.

I'd rather look like a sprinter than a climber too, so there's that :p
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Made a gingerly return to squats today after a week off due to Hip Flexor pain. I've used the time away to focus mobility and stretching. However whilst the stretching has improved my range of motion, the flexor pain is still there to some extent. Guess I'll give it another week.

Hurt my bloody shoulder whilst letting me elbows flare on bench last week too. Strong lifts week 14 has been the worst one yet. Back to the drawing board it seems, probably take a 20% deload across the board and focus on form.

Similar position here. Pain when squatting so I have given that a rest for a couple of weeks and will give it another one or two. Also an old shoulder injury has returned so I gave that a slight rest too and am now returning back to training upper body but with reduced weight. Quite frustrating but better to get it right.
22 Oct 2004
Hurt my lower back (just sitting in a chair) a couple weeks ago, its fine now until today when I heard a crunch when squatting. I have done this about 3-4 times a year on deadlifting but today its the first time ive done it squatting.
The pain goes away after about two weeks max. Then im fine and just carry on. Ive had a quick look on the internet and it sounds quite common. It seems to come down to form, not warming up. I think my form is pretty good, I don't go too low when im squatting, but I think I might of stuck my bottom out a bit too much, that's when I heard the crunch. Like I said ive done this about 3-4 times on my deadlift over the past 3-4 years. But I really have concentrated on making sure my form is better. Keeping the bar closer to my body (rolling the bar up my legs) Hands more closer together (about in line with shoulders). I do bent over rows and have had no problems what so ever.
So im thinking I should warm up better, When squatting I do the bar for 2x5 then I do 1x5 at 60kg then straight onto my working sets and bump it up to 100kg then so on...
Deadlift is my last exercise (squats,ohp,deadlifts) and I go straight into 60kg and do 1x5 and then go straight into working weight and bump it up to 100kg.
Hope my post makes sense, and some of the more clever chaps can help :)
Man of Honour
3 Apr 2003
Hurt my lower back (just sitting in a chair) a couple weeks ago, its fine now until today when I heard a crunch when squatting. I have done this about 3-4 times a year on deadlifting but today its the first time ive done it squatting.
The pain goes away after about two weeks max. Then im fine and just carry on. Ive had a quick look on the internet and it sounds quite common. It seems to come down to form, not warming up. I think my form is pretty good, I don't go too low when im squatting, but I think I might of stuck my bottom out a bit too much, that's when I heard the crunch. Like I said ive done this about 3-4 times on my deadlift over the past 3-4 years. But I really have concentrated on making sure my form is better. Keeping the bar closer to my body (rolling the bar up my legs) Hands more closer together (about in line with shoulders). I do bent over rows and have had no problems what so ever.
So im thinking I should warm up better, When squatting I do the bar for 2x5 then I do 1x5 at 60kg then straight onto my working sets and bump it up to 100kg then so on...
Deadlift is my last exercise (squats,ohp,deadlifts) and I go straight into 60kg and do 1x5 and then go straight into working weight and bump it up to 100kg.
Hope my post makes sense, and some of the more clever chaps can help :)

Sounds like flexibility ruining form as a by-product of bad bracing due to bad form.

Got a vid?
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