*** The 2015 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Au contraire, I'm the volume king - I love it. But it isn't right for the programme.

I'll quote myself which is just on the previous page:

I also spot that you are not doing any squats? I think you've copied and pasted you routine wrong.

Because im doing it 3 days a week squats is on my 4 session, the sessions roll into other weeks. So instead of the cycle lasting four weeks, it finishes at the end of the 5th week.
The daft thing about BBB is it is low intensity volume work on a strength routine.

In other words, it doesn't help build central drive and neuromuscular interaction as high intensity stuff and is out of place on a strength routine. Want to get big? Do AGVT or GVT: that is where the volume is at.

Or Steedie's training routines. Those are gross.

AGVT and GVT is there any books or accurate links to them I could take a look at please :)

Also I see freefaller mentioned beyond 5/3/1 is that a good program or just as bad as 5/3/1?

Fount a link on T nation is that the one im after?

Having a quick read ill do the GVT first, as I am a beginner..bordering onto intermediate haha.
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Seems GVT and AGVT is catered to training 5 days a week, is it possible to go to 3 days a week? How would that work something like this:
Squats 10X10
BenchPress 10x10
Assistance work 3x6-8

Deadlift 10x10
OHP 10x10
Assistance work 3x6-8

Bent over rows 10x10
dumbbell rows 10x10
Assistance work 3x6-8

Rest between sets 1 minute
Rest between the two different exercises 90 seconds

Does that look ok, could someone maybe swap the exercises around or change them if they don't look right. But apart from that does it look like I got the jist of GVT?

Assitance work how many exercises should I be looking at? I was thinking of just doing one, something like dips and pullups on alternative days, or should I do something more?
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How's it looking? Better? Worse?

Looks much more sensible to me. :)

Seems GVT and AGVT is catered to training 5 days a week, is it possible to go to 3 days a week? How would that work something like this:
Squats 10X10
Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats (enjoy this...) 10x10
Assistance work 3x10

Bench 10x10
Rows 10x10
Assistance work 3x10

Deadlift 10x10
OHP 10x10
Assistance work (RDLs, Lat Raise/Triceps superset) 3x10

Rest between sets 1 minute
Rest between the two different exercises 90 seconds

Does that look ok, could someone maybe swap the exercises around or change them if they don't look right. But apart from that does it look like I got the jist of GVT?

Assitance work how many exercises should I be looking at? I was thinking of just doing one, something like dips and pullups on alternative days, or should I do something more?

GVT is fine to work 3 days/week.

I would normally do one assistance exercise (like another componud or heavy isolation) and then a lighter superset of two isolations... but it's entirely up to you. Go by feel, too - the main thing here is to push the compound lifts as hard as you can in the 10*10 workout - that is where the gains are made. :)

Final point: to get anything out of this, you are going to have to eat like you have never eaten before, and sleep for at least 8hrs a night... there isn't really any half-inching this routine, so don't waste your impending misery and not make all the gains you can.
There is nothing wrong with 5/3/1, hell look at Wendler, it's just that the progression can be really slow.

I enjoyed it and did about 4 cycles of it I think, just you need to be prepared for slow progression.

P.S: Bench looks good to me, but I'm a noob.
Thanks mrthingyx just a couple questions:

1.Deficit Bulgarian split squats, do you put one foot on a bench, I watched a video and that's what they did. Also they showed an advanced version of holding a medicine ball above his head...yes or no?

2. RDLs? whats that, is it Romanian deadlift?
1.) Resr foot on bench, for deficit your front foot will need to be elevated on a plate (20kg bumper plate for instance) - Just use DB's.

2.) Yes romanian deadlifts. Essentially and SLDL just bent at the knees a touch
Cheers delvis never done Romanian deadlift before, just watch a video it looks like you pick the weight up like normal. But you don't put it back down you just roll it down your legs to just under your knees and roll it back up again. Keeping your back straight, no bending.

Think ill make a training log, so I can look a back and see I made progress:)
It's worth while just for your own benefit.

RDLs just lower the weight to the point your back doesn't start going as you say, if anything take a video so you can physically see where it starts to go. And naturally pull he bar in to your legs so your lats get a pounding also.
Thanks everyone, I start tomorrow I cant wait. All sorts of gains and pains await me.
Ive made a log I hope you guys can check it out sometime, even just to check that im online still and haven't died.

Wozza2k BSS?
I wouldn't do 10x10 on deadlifts.

Just be aware, 10x10 is VERY taxing - not for the faint of heart.

5/3/1 in itself is good, but BBB is not. The key behind 5/3/1 is intensity and a good choice of accessory work.

Beyond 5/3/1 is more advanced and even better.

Have a look at my old Wendler thread:


It's 4 pages - but you see I start off slow - but by page 4 I'm starting to shift decent weights. :)
I will be doing a lot of these exercise quite light, to make sure I get the full 10x10 like the program suggest. And only going up by 2-5kg if I can do the full reps and sets.
The accessory work ill be doing is whats also been recommended in the 5/3/1 book, like dips/pullups RDL etc so that's ok.
Beyond 5/3/1 ill look at once im advanced, maybe after gvt.

What would you suggest for deadlift then? 8x10, 10x8 or something?
Just edited my post :)

Deads I kinda like to hit between 25-30 reps.

How you get that volume is up to you:)

That's quite the drop from 100 reps to 30. But thinking about it, deadlifts is pretty damn taxing. If I do decide to do 30 reps, im definetly doing Romanian deadlifts on the same session as my accessory.
That is working sets, not counting warm ups.

You can still hit over 10tonnes with warm up at only 30 reps.

Ultimately it is intensity and power you want to work on with deads. Accessory exercises such as RDL are great for adding volume.

Doing stupid amount of volume on deads doesn't do much other than fry you - better to nail less volume well, than lots of volume badly. Accessory exercises can add a huge amount of pain ;) Because deads cover so many muscle groups you'll be surprised how well it can help you develop.
Good luck with GVT, don't wanna sound like a downer but our group have tried it a couple times in the past and always ended up with a cold or something halfway though. Maybe we didn't bump the calories up enough.

Yeah and 10x10 deads isn't recommended :)
Good luck with GVT, don't wanna sound like a downer but our group have tried it a couple times in the past and always ended up with a cold or something halfway though. Maybe we didn't bump the calories up enough.

Yeah and 10x10 deads isn't recommended :)

Not enough sleep could be a factor aswell?
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