Been tinkering with some simple programs again so I thought I'd put this up here in case it can help anyone else out.
This is mostly tailored for my needs at the minute but there's nothing fancy to it, anyone who can execute these movements could run this program.
Timescale for me is 8-12 weeks or so but your mileage may vary.
Basic format is:
Exercise name
Set range x reps @ %1rm
Progression rate (compounding or linear is fine)
- Main lifts are fairly standard, nothing complex here but tempo lifts can be challenging (so take care or just do normal squats/bench) and are notated as eccentric - pause - concentric - rest in seconds
- Comp assistance is where substitutes can be made more freely, just try keep the work load the same (though the template is quite light on bench work as I'm still working through shoulder grievances)
- Iso assistance is constant tension for these movements, again you can tailor them to your needs but they are faily low priority so don't get bogged down here.
- Extra work is extra stuff I want/need to do and has it's own subset of notes in my log.
Hope this helps someone out, if you have questions I'll do what I can to answer them.
Good luck.
- First thought, for people coming back to lifting or needing to adapt to a frequency change you can handily subtract 10 to 20% off your expected numbers for week 1 and add it back on over 2 to 4 weeks.