What split would people advise for a middle-aged relative noob? 5'11", 91Kg, 23% bf, age 39.
I find if I focus training days on specific body groups, like having an arm day or a leg day, the subsequent sets are too hard; harder than if I swap between say shoulders then lower back in a given training session. For example, if I have an upper body day, my overhead presses are too weak after I've done bench press.
Would it be OK to have a two-day split, training three times per week, based on:
Day 1: lower back (deadlifts), chest (DB bench press and incline press), triceps (overhead cable extensions)
Day 2: legs (squats and leg press, maybe some quad and ham isolations), upper back (rows and lat pull downs), shoulders (overhead press, cable lateral raises), biceps (cable bicep curls)
Does that sound effective?