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Its not full rest between sessions its rest between hitting the same bodypart again. Like i do upper lower split 4x per week monday tuesday thursday friday, which gives my bodyparts the 48+ gap between sessions.

Sorry yeah, I think i got what you meant. I don't really rest anything, every session I hit every body part. I'll tend to go ro the gym Mon/Tue, rest Wed as my daughter comes over, PT Thursday, gym Friday, daughter/rest Saturday and then gym Sunday and do all that list every time.
Its not full rest between sessions its rest between hitting the same bodypart again. Like i do upper lower split 4x per week monday tuesday thursday friday, which gives my bodyparts the 48+ gap between sessions.
I wonder how much this holds me back. I can only train Tues/Weds/Thurs at the moment and they're kind of all full body to an extent. It doesn't feel like it's a problem but I'm sure my muscles would grow more efficiently if I could add rest days in.

My mate has me on a weird routine at the moment which uses much lighter weights but with long timed eccentric and concentric movements with holds to make the weight feel heavier just while my knee recovers. 1 more week of that then I think it's back to the power lifting I think

I've cut out creatine because I've had a couple of dodgy efr kidney readings (probably unrelated to creatine but it won't help if I do have kidney problems), it doesn't seem to have affected me too much so far but I haven't gone heavy for a while.
Would be extremely surprised if creatine has any impact on your kidneys, being one of the most heavily researched supplements with very low side effects i honestly would keep it up due to all the additional benefits know outside of the gym ones.
Would be extremely surprised if creatine has any impact on your kidneys, being one of the most heavily researched supplements with very low side effects i honestly would keep it up due to all the additional benefits know outside of the gym ones.
I don't think Creatine is what's caused damage to my kidneys (that would be the diabetes) but it's recommended to not take it if you do have problems. I've really tried to find anywhere that says it's okay to take creatine with kidney disease but there seems to be a consensus. Hopefully my kidneys are okay anyway, seeing the doc next week.
Again i would be surprised if you couldnt take it even with kidney disease. Creatine is naturally occuring, its just to get the beneficial quantities, you have to eat a decent amount of meat. Not a crazy level but average levels are 0.7-0.8g per 100g of meat so to hit 3-4g per day you're looking at 450g-600g to get enough consistently.
40 here too and just been back on the weights last 4 months or so.

Last time I did any weight training (10 years ago) I think my PBs were:
Bench 125
Squat 165
Deadlift 190

As with others shoulder niggle (left side) and back issues means I don't attempt deadlifts and only do squats on a smith machine.

Main aim is strength and weight loss (easier said than done). Currently just under 16st (about 100kg), was 18st a couple of years ago.

Not sure on PBs these days.
Bench I can do 5+ reps at 90kg (around 110kg according to an online calculator, depressing)
Smith squat I can do 5+ reps 100kg + 6kg from machine

Just tend to do;

Definitely harder than a decade ago. Not ideal being one of the "old guys" in the gym either.
Find my forearms (underside) take a toll too.
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Time to get back in a Gym since our work once is being closed for 12 months with building work. Ideally a 24 hour gym would be good.

Anytime fitness seem to have a really back reputation around cancellations ... Any others i should be taking a look at ? Preferably a national chain so i have a choice depending where i am on certain days.
Time to get back in a Gym since our work once is being closed for 12 months with building work. Ideally a 24 hour gym would be good.

Anytime fitness seem to have a really back reputation around cancellations ... Any others i should be taking a look at ? Preferably a national chain so i have a choice depending where i am on certain days.
Most important metric is one you're going to turn up to..
I chose mine purely because it was the easiest to drive to on my route between home and work.
It's a small non chain gym with modern equipment but does get absolutely rammed around 6pm... Luckily I can miss most of it because I finish earlier than most.

Tongue in cheek mode :
Why are you worried about cancellations, are you thinking of giving up even before you started? ;)
Its not full rest between sessions its rest between hitting the same bodypart again. Like i do upper lower split 4x per week monday tuesday thursday friday, which gives my bodyparts the 48+ gap between sessions.
Yea, this what I currently do. Everyone does international chest day monday, so I start with legs as the machines are all free then decide on shoulders or chest the next day depending if all the gym bros are in :D

This is probably the most consistent I've been to gym in quite awhile and really enjoying it and its good to get out when you're stuck WFH all the time, on your backside haha.
Yea, this what I currently do. Everyone does international chest day monday, so I start with legs as the machines are all free then decide on shoulders or chest the next day depending if all the gym bros are in :D

This is probably the most consistent I've been to gym in quite awhile and really enjoying it and its good to get out when you're stuck WFH all the time, on your backside haha.
Yeap I’m still making my 4 sessions per week. Just started the 2nd half of my current program, 6 weeks to go then back on a strength program while I cut!
Most important metric is one you're going to turn up to..
I chose mine purely because it was the easiest to drive to on my route between home and work.
It's a small non chain gym with modern equipment but does get absolutely rammed around 6pm... Luckily I can miss most of it because I finish earlier than most.

Tongue in cheek mode :
Why are you worried about cancellations, are you thinking of giving up even before you started? ;)

Haha, biggest concern is that if I do decide to move to a different chain that they'll be a headache.

I've got the choice of a Nuffield Gym, One by Better, and Virgin Active (if I remortgage) with anytime fitness coming in at lowest price and the only one that has out of hours access which is the big appeal
I am new to this and just looking for a bit of advice please as I want to make a small home gym in spare bedroom. I want to use dumbbells to start with and then maybe go from there. I am looking for an adjustable weights bench which possible additions of preacher curl and leg extensions. I am 150kg so I need something that is solid and well built. I have seen a couple of reviews online saying this is pretty good apart from the gap is not great for sit ups.

Any advice much appreciated as just starting out trying to regain some fitness

Thanks in advance ;)
Thats two years of gym membership and ALL of the equipment they have ;)

I know, I know, we've all been there "I'm too out of shape for the gym, I'd rather do it at home"
Honestly I have my own equipment and I'll tell you now, it's spent more time as a clothes rack..
Going to the gym was the best decision I ever made. Suck in your pride, find one that's not an effort to get to (as I say above), pick one that's literally on your way home from work and drop in. Make it easy to go and you will keep going, you will make friends and you will see everyone struggles just the same..

Lots of assumptions there but we'll see. :)
Thats two years of gym membership and ALL of the equipment they have ;)

I know, I know, we've all been there "I'm too out of shape for the gym, I'd rather do it at home"
Honestly I have my own equipment and I'll tell you now, it's spent more time as a clothes rack..
Going to the gym was the best decision I ever made. Suck in your pride, find one that's not an effort to get to (as I say above), pick one that's literally on your way home from work and drop in. Make it easy to go and you will keep going, you will make friends and you will see everyone struggles just the same..

Lots of assumptions there but we'll see. :)

That isn't the case for everyone. There are plenty of people like me who bought gym equipment to use at home and use it.

I bought a Squat cage, barbell, dumbells etc about 6 years ago and have used them a lot on and off in that period. Okay there has been times where i stopped training for one reason or another.

You cannot beat the convenience of walking into room doing a quick workout and then finish.

The one advantage of a gym membership is that you have a wide variety of equipment. But again that can be disadvantage if you not focused as you can just get lost in trying all the bits out.
That isn't the case for everyone. There are plenty of people like me who bought gym equipment to use at home and use it.

I bought a Squat cage, barbell, dumbells etc about 6 years ago and have used them a lot on and off in that period. Okay there has been times where i stopped training for one reason or another.

You cannot beat the convenience of walking into room doing a quick workout and then finish.

The one advantage of a gym membership is that you have a wide variety of equipment. But again that can be disadvantage if you not focused as you can just get lost in trying all the bits out.
I know, I have a feeling it is for the majority though, that's why I said at the end I was making a lot of assumptions.
100% agree you need a structured program to follow though. Absolutely pointless aimlessly choosing different bits of equipment.
and it is this that also makes me think you should do gym membership before doing a home gym so you know what sort of lifts / type of program you prefer and if you DO have the discipline to do it at home, then you at least know from there what equipment you're going to need and less likely to become a clothes horse in the future
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The worst part of a garage gym for me is the colder months when you have to sell a kidney to run a fan heater to warm it up before a winter workout :D
Hello All
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I just want to get started getting fit at home first. I already have decent exercise bike and now want to do some weights as well. Maybe i will rejoin a gym in the future as I have had memberships before. It’s just more convenient at the moment to work out at home for now. I am lucky I am using a spare room usually for family who visit so no cold garage. Any recommendations for a bench would be great.
Thank you
Nice, aiming for some PBs this year or just to generally keep up strength as a whole?
Thats the aim, would love to put up some new PB's, just taking it slow and steady. First off will be a cut after bulking since August last year i need to trim the excess fat off again thats for sure. That could be 12-16 weeks at least!
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