Or mine?
OK cool; if I'm not on PSN just leave a message on here and I'll pick it up soon enough!
could i be a reserve please
Jonny_no2 3 - 0 manic111
manic111 0 - 2 Jonny_no2
I've discovered why Austrians aren't lauded for their finishing ability!
Incidentally your first two goals came from the most disgusting defending that I've ever seen from a corner! They made Gomes look composed!
i know have a week off lads, should be able to play this weekend or if not, definitely during the week.
I should be around today - in the middle of getting my PC up so not on the PS3 but should be checking forums every hour-ish
I'm in. Hopefully i'll fair better this time.
PSN: jojothemonkey69
I might be without internet sometime later this week so i'd rather gat stuck into my matches so please can you put me with like minded people. Last cup seemed to drag on. I can do games tomorrow evening.
Im around 10mins after MOTD2 ends...
I go away for a week and the third one starts
Stick me on the reserve list!
On my friends list it says DAG79 (EgonSpengler) hasn't been online for 50 days. Why's that? Because he doesn't have me on his own friends list or he just hasn't been on for 50 days?
Hey. Sorry I moved house on Thursday and tried to get Internet sorted for Friday. O2 messed it up so it's been delayed. So I'll have to pull out as it could be a few more days. The joys of moving hey. I'm always online playing Fifa if anyone wants to play/beat me.
Jonny, assuming Steve hasn't got back to you i'd like to ask for the spot. I can start playing tonight if necessary.
if there is any spots available i still want to play i can start playing my games asap
can i take egons place then im on now to play games