*** The 3rd OcUK PS3 FIFA09 Cup ***

Jonny - I'm gonna forfeit my games and let ash through - can't get any response from my team when we played first half of first game - literally no player movement until a second later...

Guess it's something my end as it took a fair few goes to get past the sticky team select bug - with me trading in this week I doubt I'll be back up by the deadline too...

GL ash - sorry I didn't finish games - obvious on my end it was pointless...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I have said this to you already ps3ud0, but so the rest of the players see it too...

I'd rather not accept a forfeit until the very last moment, because there are players who have missed out on being in knock out stage A and would have liked the place, so it is a little unfair on them for someone to forfeit on the first round.

so, I'd rather give you some more time, try your games again at some point, I know you might be able to fit it in tomorrow if time allows, or I would extend the deadline a little if needs be, so just keep us in the know and if deadline day arrives and you are not going to be available for some time then I will accept the forfeit as a very last option.

Hope everyone else is ok with this...
That is something you'll have to decide between you and ps3ud0. It is impossible for me to make the decision as I don't know the exact situation.

Although I will say, as I have in the first post. If a game is laggy then it should be quit and rearranged, score is irrelavent. It's hardly a fair win if a players is having so much lag he is unable to play, and I want this competition played on as level a playing field as possible. Therefore my suggestion would be to start from scratch.
Group Stage Games:
Topher vs Eddie_Arsenal - This game has not met the deadline and therefore both players will recieve no points for this game.

The first round of the knock out is now fully confirmed, I would like for this round to be complete by Saturday night please.

Knock Out Stage A:
Gatidd vs Eddie_Arsenal
Beenom vs Skippi90
SS-89 vs Jonny_no2
ps3ud0 vs ash6290

Knock Out Stage B:
anticonscience vs Topher
GazD vs m0r94n
Jamesbcd vs manic111
Naan_H 5 - 4 Whappers

Knock Out Stage C:
One More Solo vs stevesmith_2009
pull2808 vs Loki
Confirmed - Sorry about the connection issues. But since you were so far in front it didn't affect the outcome too much i think.

Knock Out Stage A:
1st Round:
Gatidd vs Eddie_Arsenal
Beenom vs Skippi90

Semi Finals:
SS-89 vs ash6290

Knock Out Stage B:
1st Round:
anticonscience vs Topher
GazD vs m0r94n (2nd leg - 3-2agg)

Semi Finals:
Jamesbcd vs Naan_H

Knock Out Stage C:
Semi Finals:
One More Solo vs stevesmith_2009
pull2808 vs Loki
Sorry not had much time these last few days but I'll update this evening so everyone knows what stage we are at... Please make sure you get some games played if you know you are due to play!
Right I know I keep promising to update this thread and haven't done it yet, not been feeling too good really... but i am going to do it right now!... watch this space!
First page updated!

Right then come on guys, lets get these games done! I'll give it until the start of the weekend before I start breaking legs. ;)

Knock Out Stage A:
1st Round:
Gatidd vs Eddie_Arsenal
Beenom vs Skippi90

Knock Out Stage B:
1st Round:
anticonscience vs Topher

Knock Out Stage C:
Semi Finals:
One More Solo vs stevesmith_2009
pull2808 vs Loki
First page updated!

Knock Out Stage A:
1st Round:
Beenom vs Skippi90 - You now have until Wednesday night to play this game or both players will be disqualified.

Knock Out Stage B:
Semi Finals:
Topher vs GazD

Knock Out Stage C:
Quite honestly can't see any of these games being played, so should they not have been so by Wednesday night then this section will be cancelled, and all will be branded losers :p
Semi Finals:
One More Solo vs stevesmith_2009
pull2808 vs Loki
not yet manic, just waiting on a quarter final and a semi final to confirm who plays SS-89 in the A competition final, and a semi final between topher and GazD to decide who plays Jamesbcd in the B competition final.
Skippi has submitted these scores by twitter:

Beenom 1-0 Skippi90
Skippi90 0-0 Beenom

Therefore Beenom progresses to face Gatidd in the semi final.

Semi Final deadline is 11.59pm Sunday 13th

Knock Out Stage A:
Semi Finals:
Gatidd vs Beenom

Knock Out Stage B:
Semi Finals:
Topher vs GazD

Knock Out Stage C:
Just want to bring this back to everyone's attention, just don't want this to die out in the final stages because of the FIFA 10 demo, lets see if we can get the last 4 ties done over this weekend, then we can all enjoy trying out FIFA 10! :)
Thank you. The Knock out stage A final is now confirmed as Gatidd vs SS-89:

Knock Out Stage A:
Gatidd vs SS-89

Knock Out Stage B:
Semi Finals:
topher vs GazD
Last edited:
Thanks for getting the games finished everyone, just 1 more match to be played now:

Knock Out Stage B:
GazD vs Jamesbcd

The trophies will be given out on Monday unless the games are finished earlier, so the deadline is last thing on Sunday night!
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