The 5 year plan to £50k - Accomplished.

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Does it really make you happy?

Yes, this "journey" has made me into a man, I have matured and now can fend for myself.

What effect has moving away from your friends had? Did you move with a girlfriend/wife or on your own? I'm currently considering moving to London but most of my friends live near my current location and I'm not really someone who enjoys being on their own too much.

Very very hard on the first move, I cried a few times the first week. Not ashamed to say at 27. I moved alone, no girlfriend, kids or wife. Second time I moved I enjoyed it, now I don't care where I live from Aberdeen to Zimbabwe. I would view any opportunity.

do you define happiness based on earnings?

I'm sure they'll be millions out there on a very low wage but are blissfully happy with their life.

I'm sure they are happy but in my life I have got happier as I have done better at work and have had some great times with new friends I have met on the way. Now even more so, I have "clicked" with a lot of people at work at this latest place of work.

Again, what field is this in?

Physical Asset Management.
Last edited:
7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
[TW]Fox;27216424 said:
What do you do? :p

Asset Manager, I plan maintenance and refurbishment of various plants and networks, based on cost, risk and required performance.

I go out to site and scope out what equipment needs replacing and then decide when. Now in the new role I got to manage people and the programme.
7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Now deal with women, That will make you into a man. Try fending for yourself when they have a go.

hehe thats my next task.

hahaha dole in 2010.

Good job op,

What was your progression? how did you manage it? what jobs did you go to and from.

I took a low end surveying job and it went from there, you really shine if you put a mega amount of effort in.



26 Dec 2005
Asset Manager, I plan maintenance and refurbishment of various plants and networks, based on cost, risk and required performance.

I go out to site and scope out what equipment needs replacing and then decide when. Now in the new role I got to manage people and the programme.

Things like this annoy me.

I've been utterly ****ing miserable in my job enduring all manner of abuse, harassment and shame whilst working my nuts off, yet I'm barely off of minimum wage.

Crock of ****.
7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
My new job won't be easy, I'll get everyone from various departments wanting all there plant replaced now now now, but there isn't the money so I have to talk and prioritise, some days it will be hell.
29 Jan 2008
Things like this annoy me.

I've been utterly ****ing miserable in my job enduring all manner of abuse, harassment and shame whilst working my nuts off, yet I'm barely off of minimum wage.

Crock of ****.

Why on earth would what the OP did annoy you?

OP has started from the dole and job hopped a few times (tbh.. perhaps job hopped a few too many times than you should in that space of time but its worked out for him). If you're not getting where you want in your current role then move - obvs easier said than done in some cases but if its a near minimum wage role then really shouldn't be too hard to find something better.
Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
People talking about luck or their own lack of success does make me 'disapoint'. It is rarely just luck that enables people to succeed in business although it is good to have it on your side. For years I have heard people who have done little, often with significant talent, reference luck when talking about the success of others.

To be clear, luck can have an influence and in some cases right people, right place right time can take you forward significantly, but so can capability, commitment, hard work and skill, often with not luck influence at all. People saying not everyone can do it are completely wrong too. Most people can, the opportunity exists, they just don't know how to or are unwilling to put the effort in to do so.



26 Dec 2005
Why on earth would what the OP did annoy you?

OP has started from the dole and job hopped a few times (tbh.. perhaps job hopped a few too many times than you should in that space of time but its worked out for him). If you're not getting where you want in your current role then move - obvs easier said than done in some cases but if its a near minimum wage role then really shouldn't be too hard to find something better.

You misunderstand. It's not the OP. It's how ****ed up the system is. That too (not necessarily the OP here though) how people manage to do the mental gymnastics to make themselves feel more valuable than someone working their backside off for a 1/5th of their wage.

Paycheques are not reflective of how 'bad', difficult or tedious a job is. If anything there seems to be an inverse in this culture where those that are paid the most, seem to do the least to deserve it. Congratulations, you shuffled a few numbers in a ledger and fired off a couple of e-mails. When was the last time you had to clean **** off a toilet bowel and not get paid for it?

If it was easy, do you think I'd have stayed? You really don't understand how miserable it's made me. I didn't have any other choice.

In five years I've lost my social life, had to constantly work shift-work, and rarely ever had a weekend. If I was in a 'proper' job and had sacrificed that much, I damn well guarantee you I'd be getting paid handsomely for it. But no, I've worked my rear-end off, not had any breaks and some ignorant people have the cheek to tell me it must be because I don't have a good enough work-ethic whilst they fail to look at themselves.

To be clear, luck can have an influence and in some cases right people, right place right time can take you forward significantly, but so can capability, commitment, hard work and skill, often with not luck influence at all. People saying not everyone can do it are completely wrong too. Most people can, the opportunity exists, they just don't know how to or are unwilling to put the effort in to do so.

It's lovely that you think society is meritocratic. Sadly, it really really isn't. We just all like to pretend it is.

Here's where luck plays into it, just to help you grasp it a little better.

"Most people can, [if] the opportunity exists"

That's not to say there aren't many individuals who cannot be bothered. But it's disgusting to assume that if someone is on minimum wage that must be because they haven't applied themselves.

People can soar only when they get a bit of wind to carry them first. If you don't get any wind, you miss take-off. That's chance.

Knowing someone who can land you that interview for that first crucial job is chance.

Clicking well with your interviewers, as opposed to having a personality clash. Chance.

Stumbling across that perfect job at the perfect time which lands you on your feet. Chance. Although there is some agency involved as you'd have to be looking initially.

It's the height of human egoism to assume that we're completely in control of anything.
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