Try not to look at being 'better off' as purely financial.
Right now you don't have much motivation to better yourself. Why would you? Everything you need is right there. You have a nice home to live in that is not really your responsibility, your job is where you want it to be and you are comfortable. Plus you are currently getting a good wage. Life is good.
If you are happy with that life, then keep doing what you are doing.
However, if you are truly (and I mean deep down in your heart truly) wanting to make changes, moving out should be the first thing you do.
Standing on your own two feet is beneficial in so many ways. Firstly you have the self-resepct and pride of knowing you are making it on your own and you are not hiding behind your mothers skirts. It makes you appreciate what a good life you had at your parents house, so you tend to be motivated to better your situation because, generally, when you first move out it is tough. When everything is your responsibility, it helps to mature your outlook a little and builds your character. If you are sick of looking at the mould on the ceiling and hearing the neighbours arguing it is a very strong force for motivation to succeed and get yourself into a better place.
All this business of not being able to afford to move out is nonsense. You
can afford to move out but you are not prepared to sacrifice your lifestyle to do it, or take the risk. As a previous poster said, and I previously reiterated - you are too eager to talk yourself out of doing things with excuses. Don't tell us why you can't / won't. Just crack on and do it. The caliber of people who earn good money in roles of responsibility have a can do attitude. It is why they are successful.
Just look at the post made yesterday about the guy who realised his dream of being a train driver. You should read that and hopefully you will take some inspiration from it ( ).
I want to be supportive, but sometimes telling someone what they
need to hear makes you seem cruel. But the truth is, you are your own worst enemy. You have to snap out of this overall negative attitude that you have about yourself and the way you approach your future. You also strike me as being extremely risk averse and usually risk averse people are not high achievers. I know you don't want to hear it, but living at home is not helping because it is like a safety blanket. You need the fear. You need the unknown, and you will be completely surprised what you can achieve when your back is against the wall and you have no option to just say "oh well, not to worry, mum and dad won't mind if I stay a bit longer".
It is cliche, but necessity truly is the mother of invention. Right now you have no necessity. You have no driving force to better yourself or make sure you succeed other than you are a bit bored in your current job. You also have nothing on the line, no real responsibilities, no risk.
So yes, whilst moving out may initially put you in a worse postition financially, it will do you the world of good in other ways. It also is far more attrractive to employers, and women
Please don't view this as having a pop at you, it is intended to be constructive advice.