This is all very true. We try and adopt the mantra of, "As long as you don't let a customer down or a colleague down then work when and where you want to get the job done". Most of our six figure earners probably do 50 hours a week, maybe 60 if it's really busy. But they chop and change their working patterns to make it compatible with their home lives. Makes for a very happy and productive workforce.
Clock watching cultures are unproductive, counterproductive and really need to be crushed. This is a cultural issue for companies, usually driven by bad leadership that seeks to control but I have lots of experience of creating cultures of working effectively to get the job done, sometimes needing more hours, sometimes lots more, but often meaning we have a longer weekend, shorter hour week or a couple of 'don't bother coming in tomorrow' moments. People who take advantage of such things don't last long, employers who get it right will have a more productive workforce in my experience. Good people want to work, want to do a good job, bad people wan't to work as little as they can get away with, without the first bit.