The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

lokkers said:
iirc the human eye can't detect anything over 24 fps

UK TV framerate is 24. Humans can see a lot higher!

Though I don't know how high exactly, as many people can see flicker on a monitor doing 75Hz, I'd assume we can see more that 75 frames per second!

Also the rule of thumb is to have double the framerate you need, so when it crashes during heavy scenes, itll drop from your usual, say 60fps down to 30fps, rather than from your 24fps to 2 :p
TV's use motion blue so don't need high refresh rates. I currently have my monitor on 100hz, and I don't see a flicker, but as soon as I go lower than that I can see it as I have got used to the lower refresh rate.

MiGSY said:
That's complete rubbish....

I would but I got bored (and i'm busy at work). And as I said, "IIRC" - I didn't mean that as gospel truth, thats just what I remembered from a conversation a long time ago (probably, it seems, in relation to TVs - I've also noticed a lot of downloadable media seems to play at ~24fps).

I don't notice the difference in games unless my fps gets below around 30-35 (it only gets noticeable in LOMAC for me about 25), but perhaps thats more down to my naff eyesight and a relatively slower game. Seems from that article that the reason we need higher FPS is down to motion blur (the bit I scanned anyway ;)), so a slower motion (e.g. LOMAC) probably means less noticable fps lag.
Reinstalled FarCry to play it on my X1800 (which should be here by now) and decided to do some comparitive shots with and without the 64bit patch and also different rendering modes.

32bit in Cold rendering mode (meant to look more realistic but i don't like it):
FarCry0002 (Custom).jpg

64bit (notice the increased draw distance and water quality) in Cold rendering mode:
FarCry0004 (Custom).jpg

64bit in Paradise rendering mode (my rendering mode of choice):
FarCry0006 (Custom).jpg

64bit in Cold rendering mode:
FarCry0005 (Custom).jpg

64bit in Paradise rendering mode:
FarCry0007 (Custom).jpg
More X3 Screenies

Heres my Discoverer - For fast scouting

My Buster - For general travelling and kicking pirate butt

Any finally my baby, the Mercury - She gives me lots of money :D

Though it isn't enough and she is soon to be superceded. Screenies to come. :D
LabR@t said:
x3 looks nice is it hard to pick up had X2 and thought it was stupidly hard to gt into, hence I didn't !

It is stupidly hard to pick up and play, no tutorial to mention, but stick with it and head over the egosoft forums, there are some fantastic guides to help you get started!

I only started playing on Saturday and im still a n00b but im loving every minute!

If you are bored of most games, this is something different, but only play if you have lots of time, my weekend vanished thanks to this game! :p
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