The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

naffa said:
If you actually look at the scores you'll see that they are bad.. And the reason I post them is because they spell out "13 37".

:o i just got that looking at your last scoreboard.

Do you sit there waiting for a 37 ping? :p
These guys were mad:





We then decided to camp the van:

Following on from Benjo.. Basically the admins had a go at us for 'exploiting' the purgaler in the marken on Italy because apparently we stacked to get to the top. So we just took the mick and started 'exploiting' by stacking each other up. :D


We also made a Conga line on dust as well as the mini van episode. I made demos of both.

If you download these I promise you the Conga one will roffle your waffle. :D

Minivan Demo

Conga Line Demo

I think they're the right way around.. But I found them bloody funny. :D
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BF2 sandbox :). Didn't really work to well , jeep kept coming away from the ramp before it hit the bottom :(.

Gonna play with it some more tomorrow , try and make something better.
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