The absolute state of pubs these days

Never knew porn nights were a thing. Times change and all that. But I can't imagine, you know, with a bunch of people I know.

Can't wrap my head round that one!
You know when you slip something in and realise it shouldn't have been included, but continue to tell those going 'WHAT"

Well, so were pool parties.....
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whats not to love about being in a room full of dudes trying to suppress their boners

True story, we had good memories back then and took the visuals home with us :)

I remember 'hosting' one evening around 1981 and we watched a porn, played competitions on my Atari 2600 and then watched a Derek & Clive film.
Sorry to go off topic here but are “porn nights” an actual thing ? Like a bunch of dudes getting together to watch porn ?

Is this considered normal ?

Sure. I had one at my sleepover when I was 10 with about eight of my closest friends. The old chipped NTL box came into its own when the parents went to bed. It was more amusing to us than anything else at that age though. :D

Can't say I've done anything remotely similar as an adult though
I remember 'hosting' one evening around 1981 and we watched a porn, played competitions on my Atari 2600 and then watched a Derek & Clive film.

You forgot to mention all the handjobs. Its fine as long as you say no homo before or after.
I wouldn’t fancy watching porn with a load of male friends especially if it involved masturbation, that seems a bit weird and gay to me. But I guess most watched it whilst suppressing their erections trying to pretend they weren’t turned on.
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