The age of PC gamers

23 Jun 2005
On the Edge*
I’m 32. I have been playing computer games for years and I’m an avid online gamer. I may seem old to some of you younger fella's but I feel no different about gaming than I did 10 - 15 years ago. I love it...even more to a degree now!!!

I upgrade to the latest and greatest hardware and I’m a subscriber of PC Format magazine. I love everything about PC's. I love building them and talking tech with mates of mine.

My son loves computers and gaming too, he also loves the fact that I'm into gaming, but when will I be too old for it.

I often think that I should have moved on and be potting plants or going off to the local Marks and Spencer’s and buying jeans with elastic waist bands, oh and the shoes that you get in the Newspaper adverts, the ones with that are furry inside and zip up the middle, is that what I should be wearing... of coarse not!! But that’s how I feel sometimes... :confused:

How old is too old....when it comes to gaming!!!

How old are you?
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My dad is 69 loves playing World War 2 games and is addicted to Football Manager :D
I think PC gamers have always been relatively old because in the past, there weren't all that many kids with PCs, they tended to have the cheaper and more focussed consoles instead.

However, the key factor in my view why we are seeing gamers in their 30s and beyond now, is that these people have grown up with gaming. Go back 10-20 years and there was a real stigma about gaming and that it should be focussed on kids. I remember when I got to about 16-17, I stopped asking my dad my computer games and stuff like that as presents, because I felt almost embarrassed at that age.

We now have people of your age who have been gaming since the teenage years, which is why it has stuck as a hobby. 20 years ago, when gaming was a relatively new phenomenon, the people in their 30s and 40s hadn't played games as kids which is why they weren't hooked.

Furthermore I think that society is changing somewhat. People are shunning responsibility for much longer now, with people choosing to study for longer, get married later, not start a family until their 30s etc. For many people, the your twenties are little more than an expansion of your late teens now. I know I certainly don't feel like what my preconception of a typical mid-20s bloke was. I feel like I'm about 19, wanting to do all the stuff that adolescents do (clubbing, gaming, studying bla bla). It's a shame I didn't have the same selfassurance as a teen as I do now, maybe I wouldn't have missed out on so much :)

For the record, I'm 26 and whilst I still love playing games I do tone it down a bit and pretend I'm not so much of an addict. Gonna be interesting to see what happens when I move in with my gf in the next month or two, as to be honest I don't feel comfortable at all playing games when she is around.
-|ScottFree|- said:
I’m 32.
Your post by it's very nature assumes that 32 is too old. Why post if it isn't an issue? I'm 33 and have been gaming ever since the Sinclair and BBC Micro. My gaming horizons maxed on the Commodore C64 and possibly had every game going on that platform. Since then, I have not been led by consoles but am a fiercely dedicated PC gamer.

As long as I can see the screen and my fingers can work the mouse I shall be fragging teens in their smelly bedrooms.

As for HangTime, shame on you. Tell you GF you're a gamer and that she better get used to it.
35 here and been playing games since the rubber keyed 48k ZX Spectrum. Wouldn't be without something to play as it's kind of my way to unwind. The Xbox 360 & PS2 are in my spare room hooked up to the home cinema kit, so i guess i've kinda matured in what i play, but damn it's still good fun, especially with a bunch of m8's online or on Xbox Live ;)

Too old, you're never too old!
Thats just it, I have never shunned my responsibilties. I hold a very responsible position were I work. Im in charge of 15 technical engineers. Most of whom enjoy there PC's and gaming as I do. I completely agree with what you were saying, people are studying longer and getting married later. I however am somewhat of an exception to that rule and have been married with a child @ 18 years old.

I have always enjoyed games. I don't drink or smoke so spending money on Hardware has always been my thing, its easily justified as I use my PC for several other purposes besides, for both work and home projects.
spinneR~uk said:
Your post by it's very nature assumes that 32 is too old. Why post if it isn't an issue? I'm 33 and have been gaming ever since the Sinclair and BBC Micro. My gaming horizons maxed on the Commodore C64 and possibly had every game going on that platform. Since then, I have not been led by consoles but am a fiercely dedicated PC gamer.

As long as I can see the screen and my fingers can work the mouse I shall be fragging teens in their smelly bedrooms.

As for HangTime, shame on you. Tell you GF you're a gamer and that she better get used to it.

With all due respect, Im not assuming anything. I'm merely having a discussion amongst my fellow PC gamers, the rest of your post is superb, thanks for the response :D
I have been with my partner for 14 years. We have two kids aged 5 and 6. I am contracted directly by the EU [Quango:[size=-1]Quasi Autonomous National Governmental Organisation[/size]] as an Ecommerce Consultant and for part of a large Business Development Team which covers the South East of England.


I often think that I should have moved on and be potting plants or going off to the local Marks and Spencer’s and buying jeans with elastic waist bands, oh and the shoes that you get in the Newspaper adverts, the ones with that are furry inside and zip up the middle, is that what I should be wearing... of coarse not!! But that’s how I feel sometimes... :confused:
Are you sure you're 32? Not 52? ;)
I'm 23 and i'll never be too old to play games. If i get bored of them then fair enough but i'll never just stop at a certain age as im deemed too old. The only reason old peeps dont play games is because they're scared of the digitals :eek: and didnt have computers most of their lives. my dad is 52 and plays on his Xbox all the time.

How do you guys manage get married, have children, work and play games at the same time? Do you play games for a few minutes at a time? :eek:

I'm 20 and gaming is already becoming a problem with uni, etc.
titaniumx3 said:
How do you guys manage get married, have children, work and play games at the same time? Do you play games for a few minutes at a time? :eek:

I'm 20 and gaming is already becoming a problem with uni, etc.
It's called TAP, time allocation processing. She watches Coronation Street, I play Oblivion.
-|ScottFree|- said:
I’m 32. I have been playing computer games for years and I’m an avid online gamer. I may seem old to some of you younger fella's but I feel no different about gaming than I did 10 - 15 years ago. I love it...even more to a degree now!!!

I upgrade to the latest and greatest hardware and I’m a subscriber of PC Format magazine. I love everything about PC's. I love building them and talking tech with mates of mine.

My son loves computers and gaming too, he also loves the fact that I'm into gaming, but when will I be too old for it.

I often think that I should have moved on and be potting plants or going off to the local Marks and Spencer’s and buying jeans with elastic waist bands, oh and the shoes that you get in the Newspaper adverts, the ones with that are furry inside and zip up the middle, is that what I should be wearing... of coarse not!! But that’s how I feel sometimes... :confused:

How old is too old....when it comes to gaming!!!

How old are you?

Just started PC gaming this year as this is my first PC and im 36 :)
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