The age of PC gamers

I used to play in a BF:Vietnam clan and the US division had a guy of 68 who was actually a Vietnam vet, crazy huh.

Imagine being at war and then decades later doing it all again in a computer game.
ScarySquirrel said:
I used to play in a BF:Vietnam clan and the US division had a guy of 68 who was actually a Vietnam vet, crazy huh.

Imagine being at war and then decades later doing it all again in a computer game.

yeah must be very strange - esp as some people probably take it too far. - the yanks now in their 20's should be glad that they missed it first time round
me is 28 been gaming since early 80's on my parents Acorn beeb micro with 32k had all the games for that and never looked back big arcade fan as well throught the 90's getting married in 4 weeks the futures bleak but hey ive put a xbox 360 on the wedding list
I'm 25, been gaming since I had a Spectrum +2 for Christmas 18 years ago, had a Megadrive, Playstation, Saturn (laser died recently!), PS2 and obviously the PC since :)
ScarySquirrel said:
I used to play in a BF:Vietnam clan and the US division had a guy of 68 who was actually a Vietnam vet, crazy huh.

Imagine being at war and then decades later doing it all again in a computer game.

I know what you mean. Being a Flight Sim nutter myself, I know loads of people who've actually flown in anger the birds I fly virtually. From Spitfire pilots who were actually there during the BoB right up to guy's who fly the latest USAF Predators today.
32, been gaming since my dad borrowed an Apple something-or-other (Maybe a II) from work (Think I was about 7 ish....). Dont think I will ever stop, but I think I have finally thrown off my MMORPG addiction, I dont currently subscribe to any, first time in about 10 years :)
37 here & have been gaming since i got my ZX81 in the early 80s. I don't think i'll stop now :D Never be too old

As long as your enjoying it,no harm done & the wife gets peace to watch TV ;)


had an atari vcs way way back.....1979/80 ?

been playing on a 'computer' since about 1980 on a friends zx80, then zx81.

then got a C64 / Amiga / PC etc......
27, had a PC since the early ninties, an old IBM 2.8Mhz XT.

I do play less and less nowadays due to work and relationship commitments and am much more choosy at what I spend my time playing - but still love it! :D

EDIT: I had an atari VCS too, that was the 2600 right?!?
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