The age of PC gamers

bakes0310 said:
My grandad is 64 this year and hes a keen gamer :)

Fair play! Mine freak out when i mention anything technical or electronic. I wonder how good games will look when i get to his age lol.
Ps I'm 31 :D
Armadillo said:
20 and too old is when you're dead.
Never too old, even with the slight handicap of death.

Never too old.

I'm 19, but my dad is 47 this year and he plays on the PS2 more than me. In fact I don't think the PS2 belongs to me anymore.

My dad won't touch a PC game, he tried palying games back when windows 95 was new and the bad experiences he had has made him never look back at a PC.

He prefers the quick and easy "switch on and go" method, which he doesn't get when he tries to use the PC.

A typical convo with me and my dad when he see's me playing a cool game you can only get for the PC.

Dad: "Looks interesting, can you use a controller for that new game?"
Me: "Yeah of course, just plug it into the USB"
Dad: "Is it ready to play?"
Me: "Nah still has the settings from the other game I played, you'll have to configure it in the control panel"
Dad: "Ok how do you do that."

*controller is eventually set up how he wants it and loads the game*

Dad: "Why isn't the car moving, only the keyboard works."
Me: "You'll have to set up the controls in the game controller screen as well."
Dad: "Oh **** this I'll just play on burnout 4"
I'm 35 and been playing games since the Atari VCS and Spectum days. As far as i'm concerned i'm part of the first generation of 'home' gamers and so there are no rules about how old is too old. Its up to us gamers to determine that!
I'm 32 and am enjoying games now more than I've ever done. Remember that people in their 30's are the first generation to grow up with easily accessible home computers - the Spectrum, Commadore, Atari, etc, in the 80's when we were nippers. So I don't think we'll ever grow out of them - we can't imagine life without computers and games....they're just part of our makeup.

I do think that people in their 30's now are a little bit too old for the on-line gaming world. It's full of kids with big gobs and that annoys us :)
I don't see any age as being too old for playing games. Although a fair amount of people would say once you have a job/marriage/kids you should not be playing games and be concentrating more on life and supporting your family.
Personally i think that there is no age limit on when you should stop playing computer games, aslong as they dont intefer in any other aspects of your life. But i suppose it is a good way for a father/son to be closer than some people are today, some fathers/sons have nothing in common so don't particularly get on with each other, i just see this as another way of keeping young! :D

Btw im 20 and love wasting my time at uni on games when im not out =]
Can't beat a 4 player mario kart session before you go out at night :D
32 cant see me stopping playing games, but I am relatively new to PC gaming, as I always had a console, but once I sampled some racing sims I was quickly converted, do most of my gaming on the PC now.
^^ Same here played consoles for years and thought keyboard and mouse was a bit much for games. How wrong was i, its a must. Tried playing GRAW on X360 and had a right mission using a pad! Think i will play for years to come.
Raikiri said:
Shotgun, pft n00b :eek: :D

*looks at pathetic 7 hours playtime :/*

I am 17 and doubt I will ever grow out of gaming as long as they continue to make good games.

I look forward to ripping your heart out and Tea bagging you sonny. :p
15. Can't really say what age is too old for me really, no idea where the next few years will take me. :p

Tbh, I might just be a console gamer as soon as I get bored of CSS.
25 here. i was thinking this the otehr day actually. when my generation get to 60-70 years of age, i onder if we will be still playing games? the current old agers are watching TV or building models etc, itd be weird if were still playing the battlefield (etc) series with youngsters i guess :D
wiggy said:
^^ I think will get owned, our reaction times will be awful lol

Yeah we'll be too busy saying how great games were when we had wireframe graphics (or even text based games) and gameplay was the most important ingredient of a game
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