The age of PC gamers

Knocking on 36 and been gaming at home since 1982 and the arrival of our Dragon 32.
It drives the Mrs a bit mad occasionally, but I don't do Soap Opera's or reality TV, so get my gaming in when she is watching TV.
My dad was a dedicated gamer as well and was addicted to C&C and its variants.
Your never to old to enjoy yourself.
Short version (long one may follow)
26, been gaming since my dad bought a Sinclair ZX Spectrum (rubber keys with a massive 48k of memory). (Think i was 4 or 5)

I'm sure i'll be playing until I get bored of it.
ill be sitting in a tube with wires when im 90, playing in VR looking 20 :D

i hope to still be playing when my body conks out... keep the mind agile.

im 20 now though.
31 soon to be 32.
I have been gaming since a child.
We are part of a new generation of eighties children who will most likely be gaming into our sixties and beyond.
Some people listen to music, go to the theatre, watch eastenders, anything to escape for a bit and unwind. I game.
Don`t worry buddy you are not alone, there are plenty of us out there that feel your passion.... :)
umm... i'm ...... 44 sorry mum .. i play bf2 online , racing games and flight sims, unfortunately my 12.9 year old son is significantly better than me now, at least it makes him confident.
malc30 said:
No. Do you wear a striped suit a ball and chain and a corked hat :p


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Am doing ok but my head memory is totally borked.
In about ten minutes my day will start again, i am caught up in a ground hog day that lasts about 2 hours 40 minutes :p

Anyway what was this thread about :D
36 here and have had a computer in the house as long as I can remember...from a zx80 right up to my present day PC
28 here but when i played planetside, my outfit had members ranging from 16 all the way to one guy in his late 60's! most the people i played with regularly were in their 30's and 40's. you're never too old, you just start to play smarter rather than faster.

I'm 28, married, 3 kids and a city job but I still find the time to game - although it's significantly less time than I spent 8 years ago... :(

My Dad's 56 and got I got him a PS2 last year. Since then he has invested in a quality projector, sound system and steering wheel and now plays Gran Turismo to his hearts content... :p
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