The age of PC gamers

-|ScottFree|- said:
I’m 32. I have been playing computer games for years and I’m an avid online gamer. I may seem old to some of you younger fella's but I feel no different about gaming than I did 10 - 15 years ago. I love it...even more to a degree now!!!

I upgrade to the latest and greatest hardware and I’m a subscriber of PC Format magazine. I love everything about PC's. I love building them and talking tech with mates of mine.

My son loves computers and gaming too, he also loves the fact that I'm into gaming, but when will I be too old for it.

I often think that I should have moved on and be potting plants or going off to the local Marks and Spencer’s and buying jeans with elastic waist bands, oh and the shoes that you get in the Newspaper adverts, the ones with that are furry inside and zip up the middle, is that what I should be wearing... of coarse not!! But that’s how I feel sometimes... :confused:

How old is too old....when it comes to gaming!!!

How old are you?

we hear you mate.....
first off there are people out there older than you and people out there younger
i just say roll with it. i am 31 and have seen more console action than most and certainly pc action when i was able to afford (ps thank you goes out to the forward thinking goverment that brought in student loans - without them i would have been pc constrained)
whilst i prefer berghaus and northface to marks and spencer and i can manage to do my own shoe laces up still - the one thing most of us have in common is that gaming and on-line gaming more so - introduces us to people we would never meet ever! there is no judgment based on physical appearance, race, colour, dress sense, or even what car you drive (although i do drve a subaru...)
i have meet some great people on these forums over the last 8 years when celly overclocking was a lottery and was not just a case of buying pretested chips and "guarentted" bits and peices. i remember the early days of these boards when there was a big swansea following - spesh was one guy i remember. i have gone on to meet some great lads and lasses playing online albeit on ET where there is a good following of nice people - GJRC, Binks, Divine, Hendrix, Alpha, Snapshot (missing u big guy), qwerty, grim, kilo, big john morell, cuban and flopsie (although not sure if he used these forums much). the break up of [OcUK] allstars still hits me hard...

there seems to be a built in - kick the d1ckheads via peer pressure that works well on good well modded forums and servers which has always meant that i have felt some sort of connection with people who use these boards - although i have become less active due to work and the great cleansing that went on 2 -3 years ago of forum members and things just moved on for me.

my missus laughs when i tell her i have friends who are busy studying for their alevels etc but that is one of the great things of the web - it allows like minded individuals to connect to become greater than the sum of the individuals regardless.

i hope that your son has a great time playing on family friendly servers or ones that at least stop the swearing! ('cause it aint big or clever!). i hope that he can still be fraggin his old man in the years to come and that he has been taught the fairplay and respect that is required by any
"game" or sport - in the flesh or as computer drawn charecteur that is generated on a server 100's of miles from the human input devices.

pot plants as well OFC but remember to spend an hour or two getting pwned or pwning every now and then.

just remember to

GL & HF!
egg said:
we hear you mate.....
first off there are people out there older than you and people out there younger
i just say roll with it. i am 31 and have seen more console action than most and certainly pc action when i was able to afford (ps thank you goes out to the forward thinking goverment that brought in student loans - without them i would have been pc constrained)
whilst i prefer berghaus and northface to marks and spencer and i can manage to do my own shoe laces up still - the one thing most of us have in common is that gaming and on-line gaming more so - introduces us to people we would never meet ever! there is no judgment based on physical appearance, race, colour, dress sense, or even what car you drive (although i do drve a subaru...)
i have meet some great people on these forums over the last 8 years when celly overclocking was a lottery and was not just a case of buying pretested chips and "guarentted" bits and peices. i remember the early days of these boards when there was a big swansea following - spesh was one guy i remember. i have gone on to meet some great lads and lasses playing online albeit on ET where there is a good following of nice people - GJRC, Binks, Divine, Hendrix, Alpha, Snapshot (missing u big guy), qwerty, grim, kilo, big john morell, cuban and flopsie (although not sure if he used these forums much). the break up of [OcUK] allstars still hits me hard...

there seems to be a built in - kick the d1ckheads via peer pressure that works well on good well modded forums and servers which has always meant that i have felt some sort of connection with people who use these boards - although i have become less active due to work and the great cleansing that went on 2 -3 years ago of forum members and things just moved on for me.

my missus laughs when i tell her i have friends who are busy studying for their alevels etc but that is one of the great things of the web - it allows like minded individuals to connect to become greater than the sum of the individuals regardless.

i hope that your son has a great time playing on family friendly servers or ones that at least stop the swearing! ('cause it aint big or clever!). i hope that he can still be fraggin his old man in the years to come and that he has been taught the fairplay and respect that is required by any
"game" or sport - in the flesh or as computer drawn charecteur that is generated on a server 100's of miles from the human input devices.

pot plants as well OFC but remember to spend an hour or two getting pwned or pwning every now and then.

just remember to

GL & HF!

lol Nice post Egg!!!
well I'm 25. I think gaming now is totally different to the days of leeper etc :) (only old game I owned that I can remember atm lol). I'm still into games but not as I was years ago. I think I was most fanatical about games when I got my 486-DX2 as I was buying pc magazines with demo cd's and loads of games each week. Soon changed when I got into online gaming tho. I started on duke3d, then quake and most memorable was quake2. Then quake3 which I'm still playing atm.

One thing I notice now tho is the whole feel of online gaming is totally different. With so many kids playing, bitching and cheating. Most of them trying to be a "pro-gamer".
I'm really starting to think about stopping gaming. The fun and excitement of playing against someone has gone. It all seems to be about winning at any cost (yes that includes money and cheating) nowadays.

Also there are so many games with violence in them and about 100+ games which are an emulation of being in the army. I don't get the idea of that really :( I don't really want to play a game to be reminded of the wars and killing of innocent people which happens in real life. So much bloodlust it's untrue. Yet none of the gamers who play these emulations would ever join the army.

Bah humbug!

anyway that's my rant for the day :) but seriously, what happened to playing games for fun :confused:
egg said:
i hope that your son has a great time playing on family friendly servers or ones that at least stop the swearing! ('cause it aint big or clever!). i hope that he can still be fraggin his old man in the years to come and that he has been taught the fairplay and respect that is required by any
"game" or sport - in the flesh or as computer drawn charecteur that is generated on a server 100's of miles from the human input devices.
Totally agree with the swearing and also the fairplay and respect, something which has definitely been lost in online gaming. :mad:

I just shout to my son in the next room. I have someone behind me get him get him.. :D

Lots of fun on ET and RTCW over the years. He has been playing since he was 9, and is now 14 and has always been respectful to my knowledge. There are some people that play games online to cheat or to upset others, that is the type of immaturity that puts me off.
Im 30. I know society tells me I should be married with kids and be at least halfway up my career ladder by now. Well guess what im Single, no kids, work for money not a career, spend as much free time gaming (which is lots), and wouldnt change it for anything.

Every now and then the voice in my head shouts sort it out!, but I just go screw you and go play a game :).

Gaming is for life not just for christmas.
I'm 29 and I have no plans on stopping playing games.

Also, if us "old folk" stopped playing them then who would buy the next-gen consoles at their initial asking price or £400 graphics cards? Not many kids will have them bought for them.
Im 36 and have been gaming for 22 years since my parents bought a Commodore 64

Since then have had an Amiga, Megadrive, Sega Saturn, PS One & Two & been into PC gaming Since 1998, I just love Games, Any games
Curio said:
I do think that people in their 30's now are a little bit too old for the on-line gaming world. It's full of kids with big gobs and that annoys us :)

Im 27 and find that soo true.

Ive been gaming since I can remember and just see it as something I do. I cant imagine not playing games.

I think were one of the first generations who will be gaming when were retired.

I have found myself becoming bored of PC games as I have got older and going more towards the "Fun" and Original console games.
24 in 2 months, been gaming since I was 6.

There is no too old when enjoying yourself is concerned :)
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