Are you sure? I wouldn't like to test it
Quote from
I've answered this question a dozen (if not more) times.
The simple answer is: Maybe.
You are allowed to control certain birds (Not game/wildfowl which are kept under a different act) that allows you to shoot certain birds if conditions are met.
The reasons for doing so are:
(Wildlife and countryside act 1982, F39/3)
(a)preserving public health or public or air safety;
(b)preventing the spread of disease; or
©preventing serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit, growing timber, [F39, fisheries or inland waters].
Now most people do so under 'Protection of crops', claiming that they are damaging there veggies in the back garden. (But this is not a serious defense, as 'Serious damage' is completely up to interpertation)
What should be mentioned is that there is no concrete 'right or wrong' on this issue, if you are caught, and taken to court, the vast majority of this act is up to interpretation by the judge and jury.
People have gotten in serious trouble for shooting pigeons in there back garden before.
I'm sure I also read the same in an Airgun magazine, most people that shoot on farmers land do so under the guise of protecting crops, but in your garden this could be hard to justify. And since they are not game you can't shoot to eat specifically.