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yup but i use the Reuters app for any news, and tbh if am wanting to see news by video then i will just use tvcatchup and go on skynews

Sounds like you are having to go rather out of your way. The Reuters app hardly has the clips/content the BBC/CNN/The Times do. But then again maybe you dont read news/sport as much as me.
Sounds like you are having to go rather out of your way. The Reuters app hardly has the clips/content the BBC/CNN/The Times do. But then again maybe you dont read news/sport as much as me.

you push 2/3 buttons to get to the news via safari and then bookmarks to the news of your choice, i push 1 button on tvcatchup app then the news channel of my choice, hardly out of my way really
Sounds like you are having to go rather out of your way. The Reuters app hardly has the clips/content the BBC/CNN/The Times do. But then again maybe you dont read news/sport as much as me.

CNN is iPad ready, as is The New York Times, Reuters, MSNBC there's plenty of news content out there that's ready for the iPad. Plus BBC News 24 is available on the iPad through TVCatchup.
you push 2/3 buttons to get to the news via safari and then bookmarks to the news of your choice, i push 1 button on tvcatchup app then the news channel of my choice, hardly out of my way really

The point is you have to do that. That's is going out of your way - with not as rich content. Look if that works for you, thats cool.

Im saying I spend a lot of time browsing BBC News/Sport and the Times. So having no flash is a no no for me. When a flash workaround comes out Ill probably get an ipad (people are working on this).

CNN is iPad ready, as is The New York Times, Reuters, MSNBC there's plenty of news content out there that's ready for the iPad. Plus BBC News 24 is available on the iPad through TVCatchup.

Almost all American sites so a bit useless for Brits. Thanks for the advice though.:)
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The BBC have an obligation to support as many different users as possible. They still support ancient versions of Internet Explorer on the Mac, so I'm sure they'll be updated to the iPhone and iPad soon enough.
i go on youtube and vimeo loads and other places and i dont think there has ever been a time when i have thought dam it no flash, its just never happened so tbh i dont miss flash

I can't last one browsing session without seeing the dreaded "this video does not yet support iPad" message. Youtube, BBC, MMORPG.com, name a site with embedded video and chances are it won't work. Apple wants people to use video tech that they have an interest in.

It's so dumb when I see my mate with an android phone playing good-quality videos, while I get the horrid low-res version deemed appropriate for a 3G connection, or just a "not supported" message. So much for it "it just works."

Flash is a glaring omission ... If my iPad can run some of the games it can then I'm sure a mobile version of Flash will be taken in it's stride.

Exactly... Look at everything else they've achieved on iPhone, itouch and iPad. A flash plugin for safari would be child's play.

On the plus side : I like the way safari lets you auto-select a paragraph on a page and just copy-paste it. Slick.
Lack of FLASH on ipad is really bad and crippling on websites like the BBC which swear by it!
Pretty much every website uses it for gods sake. Just went on the merc site to check the SLS AMG and guess what, cant view videos or gallery!
Sort it out please!!!
It makes me laugh people complaining about no Flash on the iPad, because when I built my main website (which is Flash) I was told I shouldn't do it because Flash is evil :rolleyes::D

So I'm confused, is Flash evil or isn't it lol
flash is wide spread on many internet sites, its simple for devs however it is a resource hog.

html5 will become the new standard in 6 months to a years time, probably when Google/youtube jump fully onto the band wagon.

Apple says flash is evil because it ruins their perfect user experience by stressing their hardware.

Google says that while flash is coming to the end of its life it IS still the standard at the moment so will support it to give their users the fullest experience, but are ready to adopt html5 as and when it becomes applicable.

Sorted! =P
How long has Flash not been on iOS devices and still people think it will appear. It won't. If you use a lot of Flash heavy sites that aren't supporting iOS devices then maybe an iPad isn't for you.

Personally the few times it annoys me on my iPhone/iPad is the BBC news site but I'm sure that will change. All the big video sites seem to be going HTML5 anyway.

I dislike the way Flash hammers my CPU on my desktops so don't want it anywhere near my iOS devices. YMMV, of course!
The BBC have made an iPad app..however it's only for the US.

They're working on one for the UK.

It doesn't bother me not having flash on BBC..I use other sites. Itn news,sky news apps. Reuters uk.pulse app.and some others.
I see why people hate these screen protectors. Got myself 3 screenguard ones for my ipod touch.. even though its scratched already a bit :(
I got the first one into position but the amount of air bubbles is stupid
I see why people hate these screen protectors. Got myself 3 screenguard ones for my ipod touch.. even though its scratched already a bit :(
I got the first one into position but the amount of air bubbles is stupid

I managed to fluke it on my first go with no bubbles on the screen but there is on the edges, which when in t he apple case you can't see it.
I managed to fluke it on my first go with no bubbles on the screen but there is on the edges, which when in t he apple case you can't see it.
I gave up, need to find the best way to do it... im guessing slowly placing it over the screen...

Got 5 left atleast and for £1.99 it was a good deal
Just ordered my iPad 32Gb 3G at last, should be with me just in time for my birthday in a couple of weeks :)

Regarding the whole Flash thing, rather predictably i'm coming round to Apple's way of thinking. If Flash ran fantastically on every other OS and PC then i'd think Apple were being ridiculous. But Flash is a truly awful web format in terms of how its implemented and how much resources it requires. I'm happy to tolerate a year or so of awkwardness on the ipad if it increases the pressure to ditch Flash in favour of HTML 5.

I really don't think it's that fundamental that Apple need to bend over backwards to support Flash in its dying years at the cost of a lot of cpu time and battery life.

I'm always puzzled why people go on about no Flash support too, when Blackberries don't support Flash and the only Android phones that do seem to crash quite often and use a huge amount of battery to run it..
Managed to get mine yesterday from the Apple store in the Bullring. Ended up getting the 16GB + 3G. To say I'm impressed and pleased by it would be a massive understatement!

The thing is absolutely beautiful and is ridiculously easy to use, just need to find a way of getting media from my desktop to it, and I'll be happy as larry.

Oh and I cut my old Vodafone never-expiring 3G sim down to a Micro-Sim and it works exactly as it should.

Can you tell how much I love this thing? lol
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