Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I have archived the old thread:


Please use this thread for discussion on gym routines, exercise questions, diet and nutrition, weight lifting, powerlifting, health and fitness and all things related to the world of iron.

If you feel a subject is going to go off topic, start a new topic to continue the debate (linking back to the original question if you want to).


Will :)
I have a belly which is ever increasing. I dislike exercise very much, the only exercise I do is 1 hour 5 a side on a Wednesday night and a Saturday 11 a side game every week, although I play in goal for my team so don't do much running on a Saturday.

Is the best thing for me to do just cut down on eating **** and then go and do loads of cardio? My problem with many things in life is that unless I see results immediately I give up. I guess I will need to change my mindset on that one as well.

Will that be a good start before I actually think about a proper routine?
I used to play -

Monday 5 a side (40mins)
Tuesday Training (2 hours) Mainly fitness stuff
Thursday Trainng (2 hours - tactics etc , not hard work) then used to shoot off to my second 5 a side team (35 mins)
Saturday 11 a side match

I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted and wouldn't put any weight on at all it was great.

Picked up an injury November 2007 and I haven't played since. Its cost me around £4000-5000 in physio and an operation. Ive just given up on my injury this month as its costing me too much money and it won't go away :(

So at the moment its seriously easy for me to start putting weight on. Im just sticking to 3 x 15 minute runs a week and its keeping the weight away. I don't think you need to do a massive amount ScarySquirrel, just add a couple of 15-20 minute runs a week.
I used to play -

Monday 5 a side (40mins)
Tuesday Training (2 hours) Mainly fitness stuff
Thursday Trainng (2 hours - tactics etc , not hard work) then used to shoot off to my second 5 a side team (35 mins)
Saturday 11 a side match

I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted and wouldn't put any weight on at all it was great.

Picked up an injury November 2007 and I haven't played since. Its cost me thousand in physio and an operation. Ive just given up on my iunjury as it won't go away :(

So at the moment its seriously easy for me to start putting weight on. Im just sticking to 3 x 15 minute runs a week and its keeping the weight away. I don't think you need to do a massive amount ScarySquirrel, just add a couple of 15-20 minute runs a week.

Ok thanks. I think for me anywhere would be a good start so perhaps I will do this. My GF goes road running a lot so at least I will have company :)
Ok thanks. I think for me anywhere would be a good start so perhaps I will do this. My GF goes road running a lot so at least I will have company :)

It may not be enough to instantly shed weight but if you start doing too much it becomes tedious and too much hard work and if your anything like I am you will start to find excuses not to go. A 15 minute run is over and done with so quickly even I can't find excuses not to do it!

Just make sure you've got some proper running trainers or you can kiss goodbye to your knees :p
Also I think another thing people forget about cardio, is it doesnt have to be running. It can be any number of things swimming, boxing, squash football etc. Find something you enjoy doing and you are less likely to stop.

Personally I do not enjoy weight training, I do a lot of body weight excercises I do Muay Thai, Judo and Ju Jitsu. The reason I do them is because I love them, I hate missing training.

You will achieve much more if you enjoy what you are doing.
I've decided to go back to basics with a routine after reading the interesting article about squatting to gain size all over and see how it goes. Squatting is something I've neglected and I want to make that the main focus of my routine to make me do them.

A simple 3 day split like...

Day 1: - Chest and Triceps
Flat Bench
Decline Bench
Incline Bench
Skull crushers

Day 2: Legs
Calf Raises

Day 3: Back
Seated Cable Rows
Bent Over Rows
Lat Pull down

In addition to this I am also attempting pull ups (doing negatives at the moment), hanging to improve my grip and dips in every session I go to the gym.

I might change it in 3 months, depends how it goes.
I've decided to go back to basics with a routine after reading the interesting article about squatting to gain size all over and see how it goes. Squatting is something I've neglected and I want to make that the main focus of my routine to make me do them.

Remember to hit the hamstrings as well. Most people's squat technique won't hit the hammies much.
Is this over kill for a back day? What I mean is should I leave something out?

Wide grip pull ups 5x5-body weight just over 21st.

One arm bent over row 5x5-25kg,35,45,55,60.

Shrugs 5x5-150kg,200,250,300,(with hooks 320 or 350).

Seated row 5x5-150kg,200,250,300,(with hooks 320 or 350).

Close grip pull downs 5x5-150kg,200,250,300,(with hooks 320 or 350).

Half an hour on cross trainer then crawl up stairs and die!
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Not at all Tank, infact I would add something for your lower back maybe?
My back day consists of:
1 warm up set lat pull down
4 sets Pull ups
2 sets one arm bent over row
3 sets lat pull downs
3 sets BOR's
4 sets DL's
2 sets close grip rows
3 sets wide grip rows
3 sets weighted hyper-extensions

All pretty dam heavy weight too
Love it :D
I have a problem.. Following an injury sustained on my rota-cuff over Christmas, it's left my left shoulder quite weak. I have been receiving correct professional treatment (sports physio). I would say as much as a 40% drop in strength compared to the right shoulder. So i've been sticking to uni excercises but wondered if anyone had any furher tips. This is new ground for me.
I have a problem.. Following an injury sustained on my rota-cuff over Christmas, it's left my left shoulder quite weak. I have been receiving correct professional treatment (sports physio). I would say as much as a 40% drop in strength compared to the right shoulder. So i've been sticking to uni excercises but wondered if anyone had any furher tips. This is new ground for me.

I messed my left shoulder up about 4years ago I think - might not have been as bad as yours, but I lost a lot of strength and confidence in that shoulder :(
Just had to persevere with it and really focus on improving that shoulder strength - I would do 2-3 exercises just on that shoulder at the end of a couple of workouts per week. Front raise, arnolds, shoulder press etc.
Slow progress but probably the safest route.
That will target the middle of your back much more Tank, the lats.
You may wanna have one exercise focus on the erector spinae:
Good Mornings
T-Bar row (plate loaded)
Back extensions
Good Mornings will they make a huge difference to the lower back, I know it wont be as good as dead lifts I despise them not even a fan of partials!
no S*** lol, we I've never seen a lat pull-down that has 300k.
pretty hardcore gym then?
my gym is more commercial than that, tries to cater for older people as that's our main users!
Good Mornings will they make a huge difference to the lower back, I know it wont be as good as dead lifts I despise them not even a fan of partials!

The fact that you're not really doing anything specific for the lower back means any exercise will make a difference :)
I know you're not a fan of DL's, and good mornings are ok. I'd probably suggest SLDL's followed by some back extensions?
Start hitting that lower back Tank! A man of your size should have a strong lower back for if anything but support ;)
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