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All I can say is be ready for PAIN!

Yes lots of it. I've had them before, my usual physio turned up and I said to her wow, I didn't realise you did them as well, to which she said, no no, I can't give you a deep tissue massage you need someone with more strength to be effective on your back!

I was both really happy by that comment but also somewhat apprehensive - so I had a bloke phyiso do it, but my God I was close to crying like a girl! :D
Chest and back. AGVT cycle 2. All weights up by 6%!

Again all neg reps are slow 4s. Whilst you should aim for 5 reps 4 is the target this week.

Flat BB bench:

10x5 reps @ 85kg

didn't find this too challenging but got a good burn on and certainly felt it by then end.

Wide gripchins

BW + 5kg.

Dear god this was hard. The hard bit is the negative. Pulling yourself up isn't too bad it's the 4s lowering that is absolutely deadly!

First 6 sets managed 5 reps.
7,8,9 only squeezed 4 out
10th I managed a messy set of 5 but the negs were too quick slow but not slow or controlled enough.

Dips BW +5kg

3x8 reps. Slow negs quite easy not too much drama b

single arm DB rows

3x8 @ 27.5kgs

again pretty straight forward really slow reps and flgood ROM and squeezing the back traps and lats at the top.

Legs today can't wait!!!! :D
AGVT - Friday Legs.

This was tough, everything has gone up by 6% - and it's not easy!

10x5 reps @ 110kg ATG back squats. 4s negs, and supposed explosive concentric - but a couple of times it was a bit of a wobble :D The 6th and 7th set nearly killed me - surprisingly it got a bit easier for the last few :/ Still liking the reps and the lighter weights - looking forward to doing this with 140+ :D


10x5 reps @80kg

Ouch ouch ouch.

Step ups - 50 degree step up so quite a lot of pressure on the quads, calves and glutes.

3x8 reps @ 110kg (nearly puked on the last one)

Hammy curls

3x8 reps @ 60kg (just as a warm down).

15 mins @ 60% effort rowing machine.
A is good form
B is baaaaad

Also when it comes to lifting there's absolutely no point in fast eccentric movements, doing that you're just achieving very little bar strength gains a bit of growth, If you want to maximise your gains through your workouts slow eccentrics are vital! Plus it hurts a lot more :D 4s negs on squats make it a lot harder, you seriously have to nearly cut your weight by 1/4.
GVT Chest/back

30 Degree incline @ 65kg

Again not very heavy, but 10 sets of 5 reps with slooooow negs. Really concentrating on squeezing the chest on the way up, and controlling the bar slowly on the way down - it's amazing how much it starts to burn by the 7th set.

Hammer grip chins @ BW + 5kg

Hate hate hate these - so so hard. The first few sets are fine - then it starts to get really difficult letting yourself down slowly. At the bottom my arms are fully extended, so none of this half rep crap.

Managed 5 reps on all but the penultimate set. Somehow I managed to dig deep and get the 5th one out on the last set.

DB Flat Bench @ 27.5kg

3 sets of 8 reps, with slow negs again, no lock out at top and DBs don't touch so the tension is kept on at all times.

Suppinated BORs @ 65kg

3 sets of 8, again slow slow negs, strict form and lots of swearing.

Even though the weights aren't massive, I have been concenrtating more on form as a result of this GVT training, and boy I tell you what I can feel it a lot more. I guess you just don't realise how much you "cheat" when you're lifting weights. Sure I can lift 550kg but I wonder how many of those are "good" lifts in terms of benefit.
How big your ROM? What are your eccentric movements like? Are you increasing the weight if it gets too easy? Try increasing the volume - legs like volume - though they will tell you about it in the morning! ;)

From what you'ev posted above you're clearly not doing enough volume, and I doubt your're going deep enough or slow enough or heavy enough if the other 2 points are incorrect.
Chris, I'd increase the weight progressively through your sets, i.e. start on 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 etc... and try and take a good 4s to get down to the ground and do a very fast explosive upwards movement.

Try doing some step-ups, they seriously cane the legs.
Never worn a belt. I have no need to unless I strt pushing myself beyond my max which I can't do anyway ;) typically your core strength should be able to handle it however in things like strong man events you don't have the convenience of stable even bars or even weight so it becomes more important.
Ive started doing a new exercise in my chest/shoulder workout..power cleans. Only done it a couple of times now....but it feels quite beneficial...and is very hard work when douing mutiple sets. I know you do it FF and might be able to answer my questions...I bascally did the following

40Kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
65kg x 5
65Kg x 4 (body shattered by this stage)

I know the weight isnt much but it was completely knocking me for six on the last two sets. It made my legs and upper body very tired. I had already done 8 sets of flat bench and 4 sets each of chins and lat raises.
So the questions about this is....is it best to keep wieght light and try and do say 10 reps or so....or try going heavier and doing 4-5 reps. And is it an exercise thats you should do at the start of a session to get the best benefits from? Is doing it within a shoulder/chest routine OK? Cheers

With powercleans it's best to keep the reps lower, but the form strict and the weights lower too.

Form / technique is 90% of the lift in powercleans, hence why you get tiiiiny women lifting double to triple their bodyweight - it's down to power, timing and technique.

However, those are powerlifting "cleans" - power cleans rely less on a deep bend in the knee to catch the bar and front squat it up and rely on explosive take off from the floor, and strong flexing of the traps and shoulder to rotate the bar as it becomes stationary, and a slight bend at the same time to grab the bar to push it up the last foot.

I tend to do a maximum of 6 reps no matter what the weight is and concentrate on absolute form. If I'm going for PBs my clean technique aims towards a powerclean rather than a clean - i.e. use raw strength.

However I tend to hit around 5 sets min as I get a good burn from that amount.

Typically I start off with:

Then either attempt more 100s, or go up to 105-110 etc....
I may do a dropset back to 60 with exact form.

Form is more important than weight on this exercise - if you do it properly even 40kg will feel like you've been massaged by an elephant.
If I understand you correctly and you think he is lifting 30 tons when you add up his 3 max lifts? Or do you mean during a workout he would lift that much weight all added up?

If the former then that would make him superman :p

If the latter, that's still edging into superhuman territory.

I've done over 30T on a leg day :)
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