He's 1/2 way there - he just can't finish it off
Lol your power cleans are my standing military press but up to 110-120 kilos, I don't like taking it straight off the rack for over head pressing. The idea being if I cant power clean it up, there is no way I'm going to raise it above my head.
Am I the only person here that exercises the neck :-/?
Steroids suck arse big time.
you really should especially since you play rugby!
I just like to isolate my neck due to the fact I'm paranoid about being strangled lol, how weird am I.
and I'll never be as fit as you .
You don't scrum then?
Thanks FF mate, just wanna say thanks for all the help and especially inspiration
Jonny please don't jump straight into olympic lifts with anything like that form or you will most likely be out of the gym for a fair while :| I've never been a fan of them for bodybuilding, its very rare to see a pro or top amateur doing them ( I don't think I ever have), so why bother?
I wouldn't be overly hasty in dropping all isolation movements either personally, the shape of the muscle you are growing is equally if not more important in a competitive sense than just size
Great to see the dedication though, one thing you can't learn
Did split jerk with 100kg yesterday for 2x1 yday.
Better get more than 7 reps with the kegs next time
Oddjob is over at my place this weekend, squatting 2mo
Don't put yourself down mate, random exercises or types of training haven't built your physique, years of hard work has. Do you really think if you has trained without Olympic lifts you wouldn't have progressed? I highly doubt it
You are right about strength and developing technique but like I said I was talking from a purely bodybuilding point of view.