Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Whilst a little banter is fine, it bothers me when people mess around and fart arse around it's so irritating. Couldn't agree more.

I don't take a shame before, cup of coffee and a banana is all I need. You can take EAAs and BCAAs during but I don't. :)
You need to eat more low gi carbs, and just munch on good sources of energy like nuts, oat cakes, fruits, mackerel and other oily fish. Cous cous is great at lunch with some mince. There's lots of stuff you can do, you just have to put the effort in. I don't calorie count, but working out a quick sum leads me to just over 3k cals which is a heck of a lot of food. Weekends I peak to over 4k but it's my cheat day :p
If you could afford it and you feel that you HONESTLY have the commitment to train and follow the plan of the pro and be true to yourself I'd do it in a second. :)

I've never done the bulk/cut thing as I don't believe in it - so lean bulking for me is the only way to train/maintain. :)
My routine was starting to get a bit stale and I was finding it difficult to beat my PB's (which I was expecting to happen sooner or later - the start of the plataeu maybe?) even though the weight I'm shifting is pretty low compared to most.

So I've decided to quit trying to push PB's for now and drop the weight slightly with extremely long negatives in each rep. I tried it last night and it drains my muscles so quickly and I got a massive pump. The thinking behind this is it will help strenghten and also increse the 'stamina' (is that the right word?) of the muscle too, this will hopefully aid me when I go back to trying to beat PB's again.

It might mean my sessions in the gym are longer but I want to get this right from the beginning instead of throwing heavy weights around to look good. I'm no expert but I can see no end of people throwing there back in to bicep curls with 15k plates on either side.

Negs will do you some good.

Also try small rep sets. i.e. 2-3 reps. And incrementally increase. So say, start at 70%, 80%, 90% 100% of 1RM.

Remember to keep the concentric movement explosive and powerful.
I'm in a bit of a predicament, I'm at a stage where my arms are too weak to lift the weight that I can squat with. I can't really justify purchasing a squat rack nor do I have a place to permanently house one, does anyone have any cheap and cheerful solutions?

Anyone able to spot you? Are you doing front squats or back squats? And, just in case you weren't if you wanted to make it harder even with lower weights, do you go all the way down slowly and explosive on the way up?
Made myself a shake this morning (No eggs in :()
Comprised of;
1 banana
Strawberry yoghurt
30g Oats
30g milk protein
20g whey protein
Damn its thick filling so I think I'll have it in two gos :p.
I think I'll have to make my own blends more often (Specially for when I'm on the go at uni :o).

Mine is typically:

1/2 basket blueberries
1/2 basket raspberries
a scoop of whey
1/2 pot (250ml) of natural set yoghurt - no added sugar or anything just good plain yoghurt
a good slug of milk to get the consistency right
2 big handfuls of oats or so
a touch of cinnamon (if I have any)

Once blended it should be quite thick but liquid enough to be called juice and very drinkable. It works out to around 800 cals or so, and nearly a litre's worth of smoothie. It does keep you full for longer as thick liquids take longer for your stomach to process. Which is fantastic appetite supression but also slow digestion, which also means better bioavailability in general.
I tell you what if you do a nice slow negative a good 4s, and make sure your arse is close to touching your heals you'll be doing well for a while. :)
I'm going to carry on the debate (because I want to and I can :p) a little.

I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on this as my views are pretty clear, but my personal choice is even clearer - I don't have a want or a need to ever touch gear in any form they are available, not because I disagree with them, but because of the damage they can do to you if not used properly. My fear/concern is also that you are pushing your body beyond it's natural enveloppe. Whilst I know (we all know) it's perfectly feasible to do it safely if you're sensible about it and don't go too far, maybe gain a bit of lean mass that you just were struggling to acheive or for whatever reason you don't have to justify your reasons for taking any supplement really, it's your body/your choice. Like any supplement some work better for you some don't - however gear categorically works if used well and properly. However it still requires, a) a good high protein diet b) a lot of hard work in the gym. You won't see much results from sitting at home or doing some bicep curls. They aren't a magic potion like in Asterix & Obelix.

Whilst I'm not scared of needles I feel they should only be used by doctors in times of necessity (I've had 3 blood tests, and 2 injections ever in my life, though I have given blood). So I wouldn't even get a tattoo on that basis. :)

I think certain bits of gear can really help enhance your natural ability without turning you into a freak, but vs. a natural trainer they do give you the edge (sometimes in terms of composition, size, strength, one of the other, all, or sometimes none - it really depends).

I personally don't see it as cheating - if you're not competing and you've reached your genetic limit and you're doing it for yourself, then what's wrong with that? Even if you are competing, just compete in the tested federation where gear is allowed, therefore not cheating as everyone is on the same playing field.

The only person you "cheat" is yourself, if you're really concerned about it but heck I've taken amino acids, and natrual herb extracts and as part of my diet have lots of "health" foods, such as green tea, coconut oil, and foods containing lots of zinc, magnesium, vitamins b and c etc.... I'm just taking the "more difficult" route to enhancing the nurtrients in my blood but it's still "artificially" increasing the percentage of certain nutrients in my body above it's "natural" level - though I do love lots of these natural extracts you can get and that certain nations and cultures have been using for years!

Anyway back on track whilst I am very impressed at Tank's and other's vehement disdain for "gear" and am also in admiration of their ability to surpass even high end lifters naturally, whilst I wouldn't do it, I believe it is just giving nature a helping hand to boost your ability. Just like in medicine we give people antibiotics or anti-inflammatories - whilst your body has the ability to do it itself, it makes it quicker and more efficient.

Being sensible with them is perfectly fine and you can achieve some good results, quicker than naturally - the results arent' exclusive.
Are you going to attempt another personal best on your deadlift Freefaller, I will if you will:p.

I havent' been doing that much DL since doing this AGVT - but I certainly want to try and hit 250 by the end of the year... do you reckon I'll achieve it?

You know you'll whoop my arse anyway in pretty much every single lift :p

I agree with most of that mate. It boils down to the simple fact that if you want to get big at very low bodyfat you need it. At 5'10 you are not going to get over 190lbs (if anywhere near that) naturally on stage. You can debate that all day and night but its a fact. You can get big naturally, very big, or ripped, but in contest shape your body hates holding onto muscle unless you give it a hand.

I don't know, I've seen some totally natural guys, get super lean yet still be bulky. It's just a full time job almost to do it though. Modern lifestyles don't offer that opportunity.
Super quick question... what kinda weights do the mens health etc models lift? How much do they weigh? Just trying to gauge a comparison.

Apart from the fact they are airbrushed - I doubt they lift that much and they wouldn't be "impressive" in terms of size. They just have low bodyfat. You wouldn't see them in a spit and sawdust gym, but a virgin active happy clappy gym.
Such a generalisation mate! I think I mentioned before my brother got to the MH cover model finals. He front squats 140kg and benched 100kg for 25 (after a 160) - not sure of his others but you get the gist.

A lot of those guys sit a lot bigger in day to day life and just cut down majorly for shoots. I photograph guys for my gym on a regular basis and I'll tell you now that often the MH style of shots doesn't show those guys off in the way you and I would be impressed. If you see them in real life or in video they look a lot meaner.

Some are bigger than others I guess. I went to uni with a few that made it on the mag and whilst they were undeniably in great shape, they train for look and shape rather than size. :)

They won't all be the same - it's hard to tell as some are titchy and some are tall and some will be broad.

However, there IS a lot of airbrushing as there is in any publication to enhance the appearance. Furthermore, low BF can make you look "bigger" than you are too - it's about proportion.

A bit concerned at you taking lots of photographs in the gym though - gayer :p
As a very general rule... The narrower your hands are together on the bar the more you'll be hitting the triceps, the wider your hands the more the chest comes into play.
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