Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

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Front Squats
Your back stays nice and straight and you keep the bar nice and high but it looks like your heels are coming off the floor ever so slightly which leads me to believe your pushing with the balls of your feet rather than the heels.

I'd agree with that, but basically really good form Robbie. :)

At what sort of weight does your grip start to fail when deadlifting? I'm just asking because I'm really reluctant to use straps but I may have to soon. I'd rather just improve my grip strength which I'm trying to do with my heavy grips, but I think soon it'll start to give.

I had to start using straps owing to some tendonitis I had in the elbow preventing me gripping to tightly.

I did 8 reps (2 sets) @ 180kg without straps fairly comfortably. At about 200kg I start to lose my grip, but with chalk it does help.
I think I'm going to try and hit some GBC training with a bit of HIIT.

Has a bodyfat measurement recently (though I don't think it's THAT accurate - but still it's a baseline for me to work from) and it's high teens! :eek: With my abs and serratus visible I didn't think I'd be that high, but I seem to carry fat on the Subscapular and Suprailiac areas which probably skews the results a bit, as the other 2 points were below average.

It's not the end of the world, I have had 2 weeks of holidays and letting my hair down so it was to be expected...

The thing is over the Christmas period I'm not too bothered about being cut, so I'm in 2 minds about whether or not this is necessary. I think I will hit it hard after the new year though - I'd aim for about 0.5% a week-ish. So by March I should hopefully be low teens.
LOL - yeah I've had my visceral fat calculated as best as is possible without a CT scan (using bioeletrical impedance testing, and hip/waist ratios etc....) and it was considered to be perfectly healthy.

I'm not 30 yet! (soon though!).

I was expecting my BF to be around the 15 or so mark, but this was closer to the 18 mark!

At the moment I'm not overly bothered as I carry enough bulk to make it look a lot less than it is, and carry enough definition to minimise the look of high BF. I think it was just a shock to be so high - I'm not 100% convinced his measurements were that accurate (except the calipers which did seem accurate). A friend of mine is a doctor and said he'd give me a 2nd measurement to have a bit of an average/balance.

Having thought about this, I think I'm going to leave it till the new year, I'm lean enough for now (as has been commented on the pics I've posted) so it'll do me. But I think next year I'm going to try and lean out a bit whilst staying at around 98~100kg. It's going to be good fun! :D
Bad form winds me up but I try very very hard not to stick my nose in. However I do get a lot of people asking me for advice.

There's a PT there who does partial reps on EVERYTHING :rolleyes: And he's supposedly qualified to teach others. :/
Indeed. They have their place for certain exercises and sticking points, but not for everything. :/

I've made some sarcastic comments like,
"how's the injury?",
"Well I assume you're injured since you're going to less depth on your squats than you should...",
:confused: "No mate, there's no point in going deeper than that it's bad for your knees...",
"well not really, and you're not even going to parallel... but maybe you have your reasons, no bother, take it easy....",
"erm, yes I am going to parallel, you're just used to going below it...",
"sure thing mate.... keep up the good work. :/"

Just taking squats as an example..

SPW goes to my gym and he'll no doubt tell you my disdain for people doing rubbish ROMs. :o
Indeed, every so often I'll see someone with bad form (and I'm sure mines not always great so it must be pretty bad if I notice) then look across and see you just shaking your head ever so slightly.

Had my bodyfat measured today and it's ~15% apparantly which is quite pleasing considering I don't do anything special in terms of my diet to try and keep it low. However as one of my mates would say weighing 3/5 of ****-all probably plays a big part in that.

Hehehe - I somehow manage to keep it to myself..... just.
I'm toying with the idea of this full body split at the moment. UI haven't quite got the weights "right" I'll need to try the weights to see how feasible they are or if they are too light etc...

It works by creating high lactic acid which promotes growth hormone which helps improve fat burning.

They are supersets. So A1 is followed by A2 (after the rest perdiod) then back to A1 (after rest period) etc... until the number of sets is complete.

Note the short rest intervals. The tempo is also important.

I'll be doing it 1 day on, 1 day off, 1 day on etc... so it works out about 3-4 work outs a week. I shall be doing some HIIT in between I think.

This is in preparation for AGVT part 2 that I shall be hitting in the new year. I'm going to run with this for 6 weeks or so.

I then have 4 weeks or so before Christmas to do some 5x5 lifts - then I'm off skiing, and when I get back it's volume volume volume!

Man I can't wait! :D

Any comments are welcome - this is not a strength building workout, it's to help with body composition, you can get a little lean mass gain too, but we're talking maybe a pound or 2 really.

The figures for weights isn't quite right but until I give it a go I won't know. The tough thing will be to ensure that the gym equipment is free for me to use, and keeping the rest stops short - problem is that often people will jump in and it'll screw up the timing. :(

DAY 1:

Workout, Exercise, Weight (KG), Sets, Reps, Tempo, Rest

A1 Step ups, 80, 4, 12, 2-0-X, 60,
A2 Chin ups, BW, 4, 10, 3-1-1, 60,

B1 Lunges, 20, 3, 12, 3-1-1, 45,
B2 Incline DB Press, 25, 3, 10, 4-1-1, 45,

C1 SLDL, 70, 3, 10, 4-0-1, 45,
C2 BB Shoulder Press 50, 3, 12, 3-1-1, 45,

D1 Seated DB Hammer curls, 17.5, 2, 10, 4-1-1, 30,
D2 Lying DB Tricep extension, 12, 2, 10, 4-2-2, 30,

DAY 2:

Workout, Exercise, Weight (KG), Sets, Reps, Tempo, Rest ,

A1 Deadlift, 130, 4, 10, 3-1-1, 60,
A2 Swiss ball push up, BW, 4, 12, 2-2-2, 45,

B1 Leg Press, 20, 3, 12, 3-1-1, 45,
B2 Seated cable rope (to neck), 25, 3, 10, 4-1-1, 45,

C1 Single standing leg curl, 70, 3, 10, 4-0-1, 45,
C2 Lateral raises, 50, 3, 12, 3-1-1, 45,

D1 BB curl, 30, 2, 10, 4-1-1, 30,
D2 EZ Bar seated French Press, 12, 2, 10, 4-2-2, 30,

DAY 3:

Workout, Exercise, Weight (KG), Sets, Reps, Tempo, Rest,

A1 Squats, 100, 4, 12, 4-0-1, 60,
A2 Bench Press, 85, 4, 10, 4-1-1, 60,

B1 Split squat, 50, 3, 12, 3-1-1, 60,
B2 BB BOR, 80, 3, 10, 3-1-1, 60,

C1 Good mornings, 40, 3, 10, 3-1-2, 60,
C2 Standing alt. shoulder press, 17.5, 3, 12, 2-0-1, 45,

D1 Reverse BB curls, 20, 2, 12, 4-1-1, 30,
D2 Tricep pushdowns, 12, 2 12, 3-1-2, 30,
I dunno, I'll need to check. :)

It's only for a bit to do a bit of body conditioning, then it's back to AGVT and big lifts in the new year. My body's taken a battering this year, gained a good 8lbs, haven't lost strength, but I just need to do something that my body can respond to well without straining myself beyond normal for a few weeks. Well I'll still be half dead, but just not quite as dead as normal! :p
That's teh whole point of lactic acid training - bear in mind they are supersets and not heavy either. I think it'll feel like hard work but less anaerobic maybe - bear in mind this is not a bulking work out, though it should stimulate the CNS nicely, and help (along with the diet and HIIT) shed a little BF (I've calculated that all things being equal after a 6-8 week program I'll drop around 2% which would be fantastic.)

The lean monster workout will be my welcome to 2010! :D This is the calm before the storm, and feel like although I like bulk, I'm aiming to keep it, but shred a little.
You always gain more when you first start out, the initial rush of test and GH is never quite as high as it is when you start off - once your body is used to it it takes a lot more training and effort to keep on gaining. However 2stone lean mass in 7 months I find that dubious.
Chins (i.e. pronated grip, palms facing away from you) are superior to pull downs in terms of muscle activation - and it's the one top exercises for a wide thick back. However pull downs do have their place and are good for overloading the muscle group. However if you're not able to do a good 8-10 reps of WG chins then it's something you need to work on.
Bugger, I meant pronated :rolleyes: And this from someone who knows a lot about exercise! :o :o

Anyway, chins which should be done pronated are better for lat, rear delt and trap activation. Pull ups (suppinated ;) ) are a good secondary version but are much more bicep dominant.

In essence: WG chins are over hand grip wide grip = more back activation
CG chins are underhand close grip = more bicep activation
I always thought chins were suppinated (and usually closer grip) and pull ups were pronated. I guess just because I imagine your chin going up and over the bar in a suppinated grip, but not in pronated. :)

EDIT: ala.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chin-up and... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pull-up_(exercise)

Unless I'm getting everything confused, and that's what you've actually said :p

To be honest your chin should go over the bar when doing either otherwise you're not really doing a full rep - though there are flexibility issues for some however in spite of this you should try and get as high as possible - even if it means doing negs with a spotter.

Slow negatives are the daddy at creating DOM's. Good on you for focusing on stirct form and negatives.

Indeed they are, however don't be fooled into thinking that if you train and DON'T get DOMs you're not doing a good work out - because lack of DOMS doesn't always signify lack of tissue damage or lactic acid activation. :)

bent over rows

make sure your back is parallel to floor when doing them

For pendlay rows yes, but not all BORs (depending on the type you do) need to be parallel to the ground.
First I've seen of it, but why do you think it's a bad idea mate?

Sends out completely the wrong message. MP are supposed to be a "leading edge" company, yet they've run out of ideas and are asking other people to "invent" blends for them - doesn't say much for the R&D department really does it?
To be honest there isn't much difference between any of the supplement suppliers anyway. IF someone manages to come up with something new and useful then it can't be a bad thing in my eyes. It'll probably be some whey/ crea mix or some other bs though.

I only buy from MP if my local supplier runs out and since I buy whey about twice to 3x a year it's not a big issue. As for other supps, I tend to buy them 1x a year when doing an intensive program or playing rugby. So it's no loss to me. I just personally, from a knowlege POV, but also business point of view see that as sending out a bit of a strange message.
Had quite a good session today. Doing more of an all over workout at the moment until I settle on a program that I want to do... still researching and working it out!



All with no straps or belt - felt good and strong and not too hard either. :)

Front squats:


WG Chins:






And that's that.

Not a big sesh but it felt goooooood! :D
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