Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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If you have an injury I'd lay off anything which might aggrevate it and go and see a doc. We can't really offer such advice on here - sorry mate. :)
Typically I use a cross arm grip.

But sometimes I do use the clean grip, but use my fingers as "hooks". If the bar is well placed it shouldn't put too much pressure on your shoulders or wrists. :)
High volume on legs is always necessary but it's also a balance with intensity. I hit a minimum of 20t on leg days but usually only 3 exercises. :)
HIIT is awesome on rest days. :) I've developing a new program for myself at the moment for fat loss and lean gains and it involves some HIIT and cardio. :)
All I have pre workout is a banana and a coffee, but a good 60-90 mins before I have a good meal with protein and some carbs. By the time I get to the gym I'm buzzing (after the banana and coffee) and not feeling full or bloated. There's not much point in taking protein soon before a workout as your body won't synthesis it properly during intense lifting sessions. However BCAAs and EEAs are much more useful to take before/during if you feel the need for them. Post workout I go for a 50:50 split of protein and carbs immediately afterwards, whey isolate and some blended oats. Then about an hour later I have a good wholesome meal.
Freefaller out of interest what time of the day do you train? After work?Before work?

Hi matey,

I'm up early and don't have time to train before work (besides the gym is closed at that time of day!). I don't have a lunch break either so can't train then... sooo I'm left to train after a long day after work. :( Not ideal tbh. But I drive past the gym on the way home so I go straight there - else I'd never come back down if I went home first. So I tend to hit the gym around 530 ish, and try and train for 60-80 mins max - I need to start increasing the intensity and thus lower to time to around 45-60 mins which is more ideal, but it's just getting it into my head about not over training, and just go more often but for shorter periods. By lowering the time I get to spend more time at home recovering and relaxing and sleeping which is vital.

I'm just finishing a new routine, I haven't quite got it nailed but once I do I think whilst it'll be tough initially it'll give me a better quality of life considering the days I do.

Weekends I try and train in the mornings so that I have the full day ahead of me. But as always is the case, life gets in the way at times and moving a training period to later is sometimes required.

It's much much better to have a routine and a regime rather than ad-hoc training - so I'm a little all over the place at the moment. That'll be fixed soon!!
It depends on how many meals you have a day, how many calories you're roughly consuming daily, your type of diet (i.e. you're eating habits) what sort of eating habit you have - and what you're trying to achieve.

I'm probably around 40/30/30 (C/P/F)

Sometimes it goes up to 50/30/20

And sometimes I low carb for a while, 30/40/30

If you wanted to hit keto you'd have to go around 15/55/30 I think.

It's a little excessive though working out all these macros - but being carb aware is sensible. :)

This is a good calculator for working out how much to eat per meal etc...


Remember though there's more to counting calories, and macros :) I eat 5x a day during the week (breakfast, mid morning, noon, mid afternoon, dinner - this doesn't include snacks pre/post workout either), weekends I tend to graze more, or have bigger meals.
Cheers FF.

It seems I put in I have moderate activity at the gym (3-5 times) but I actually vary weeks sometimes between that and maybe only twice a week. Essentially I'm bulking although not eating enough. I know this, but at least my diet is pretty healthy now.

Currently 6ft 2inch, 87.4kg, too much BF% (Guess at 18-20%), lanky arms and podgy belly. Looking to get up to about 15 stone (95kg) by sometime next summer, and currently eat about 2700kcals per day (:() with about 50/20/30 (c/p/f) split.

x2 weight sessions (maybe x3 each week) with one hitting tri's/chest/shoulders and the other bi's/arms/back/legs, with x2/3 interval training sessions a week on the ergo.

After some tweaking and improved time scheduling this should easily be acheivable by the summer.

I'm around 99kg at the moment and touching on 18% BF, but it looks a lot lower as thankfully as I carry a lot of muscle mass you can still see ab definition and some vascularity. I'd say that's probably a little too many carbs, see if you can drop it down and increase the protein.

I'd say hit at 3x big full body weight sessions and 2x HIIT get your body composition sorted, then worry about adding some lean mass. :)
We should do a deadlift rep challenge like they did over on UK-Muscle
They were using 200kg and seeing who could hit the most reps (no pause at bottom, only at top of rep, no straps or gloves - only chalk iirc), but 200kg might be a bit OTT here so maybe we could do it with say 150kg or something?

Me and Freefaller tried to get this going but didn't take off lol:(. http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17956197

Up for it for sure, but I don't like doing deadlifts like that, I like to hit the ground and lift again properly. Doing them "no pause"is more like a SLDL movement for most people as they don't bend their legs deep enough. However I'm still keen. I think we'd have to make it around 150kg as not many people can DL 200kg here, and those that can I doubt can do it for more than a couple of reps?
No need for it at all.

I'm now favouring a lower protein diet as excessive protein is just expensive glucose ultimately, and more than that is a waste of money. Too little and of course it's not favourable. But ridiculously high protein diets are silly - balanced diets and eating the right things are much better. I don't hit much more than 150g of protein a day and it's doing me wonders. :)
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