You shouldn't rely on the smith for form.
Guys, I have a question with respect to cardio and the calories which body building requires daily? I understand that I need to eat an excess to maintain good growth and recovery, however, I don't want to put on too many (I accept I'll put on some) pounds of fat. Would it be plausible to perform cardio in the morning before breakfast in an effort to save my daily calories for muscle and attempt to burn off fat before I eat? And would this be even remotely effective?
cheers for any help
Re: the bicep curls. Dunno why some find it hard to believe. When you've been training a few years in a gym thats dominated by steroid abusers you get used to seeing crazy poundages being thrown around
I'm sure for protein all you need is 1-1.5grams per lb lean body mass after reading a thread earlier.. (Thread title rotein Intake)
Edit actually sorry I think they're the same thing. I need to start doing some more cardio, haven't done any in the gym in a while but I need to start doing some running outside.
Awesome stuff Freefaller, so jealous at the weight you're shifting