The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

it's a site i visit daily very nicely done.

Thanks SiD.

(just have to wait for my 30 metres of CAT5 cable to come to my local store so I can hard wire the 360. 30 metres = 8 quid + 10 minutes work compared to 50 quid for dodgy wireless connection) :D
Any chance of some stats on the front page saying which people have acheived the most points in the last day, week and month?
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Just noticed that a couple of games i've definitely played (and finished) ie COD3 and Bioshock, it has got me as not having played them, ie i'm not in the group of names it says have played them.
Bomberman LIVE was another one i noticed too.
Haven't a chance to go through them all yet, it's just these i have noticed.

TWPGATour 07
TWPGATour 08
Halo 3
Track and Field
EA Sports FN3
Gears of War
Texas Hold Em
The Godfather
Perfect Dark Zero
Top Spin 2
Tomb Raider Legend
MotoGP 06

Sorry mate.
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Just noticed that a couple of games i've definitely played (and finished) ie COD3 and Bioshock, it has got me as not having played them
its mentioned in the FAQ
11 games that ive played im not mentioned in

Correct! Limitation of the way I get the info- not much I can do about it (right now):

FAQ said:
Q: I cannot see all the games I have played.

A: The program tracks your top five games played at the time the program is run, usually in the evening. Therefore if you have played a game but it is no longer in your top five, the program cannot 'see it'. Similarly, if you join the database the games you have played in the past cannot be 'seen'. This should be fixed in the future once I add functionality to scan Xbox Live profile pages.
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