The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

What games are the banner pics taken from, in particular the guy on the horse and the spacecraft over the city and the ruined city with the crooked fountain?
The horse one is Assassin's Creed, the spacecraft one is Mass Effect and the fountain one is Gears of War.

Viper Mrk 6
Konvict VIVIVI

Sid, Ammocity (5bjoshua) has changed his gamertag and forum username to Logsi
Thanks for the heads up, I wondered who this Logsi chap was :D
Hey guys. Just an update to say I'm deep into programming version 3.0 of the site, currently designing the new back-end to grab data etc. I'm not past the point of no return yet so I'd appreciate any ideas/requests people have on what they'd like to see. Here's what I have so far:

  • More data gathered including scores for individual games, number of achievements and last played dates.
  • Full list of played games, not just those that you've played recently (this will also remove games if you delete them from the dash and ignores any arcade demos that may be on your profile before the firmware update that stopped demos being tracked).
  • Still limited to one refresh per day and I can't track individual achievements (more of a I can, but it would mean a lot more page requests (number of gamers * number of games played)).

  • User logons and signups, possibly based on Windows Live accounts rather than having to remember another password (if I can get the SDK to play nice with PHP).
  • User customisable profile pages (a la Facebook but a lot less complicated and no apps).
  • 'Would like to meet sections' to advertise what games you'd like to play with people.
  • User ratings and comments on games.
  • Other user generated data such as tagging keywords against games and pictures, selecting banners for each game, assigning genres etc.
  • Metacritic scores to compare against user scores.
  • More robust website, probably using a new theme.
  • Make the site standards compliant.
  • Switch to better, more readable graphing software.
  • More metrics!
  • MUCH faster response times, currently there is a lot of SQL querying going on in the background when you load a page, my new backend should pre-process the data so pages should be quicker to load (if not, I'll bug my host).
Hey guys. Just an update to say I'm deep into programming version 3.0 of the site, currently designing the new back-end to grab data etc. I'm not past the point of no return yet so I'd appreciate any ideas/requests people have on what they'd like to see. Here's what I have so far:

  • More data gathered including scores for individual games, number of achievements and last played dates.
  • Full list of played games, not just those that you've played recently (this will also remove games if you delete them from the dash and ignores any arcade demos that may be on your profile before the firmware update that stopped demos being tracked).
  • Still limited to one refresh per day and I can't track individual achievements (more of a I can, but it would mean a lot more page requests (number of gamers * number of games played)).

  • User logons and signups, possibly based on Windows Live accounts rather than having to remember another password (if I can get the SDK to play nice with PHP).
  • User customisable profile pages (a la Facebook but a lot less complicated and no apps).
  • 'Would like to meet sections' to advertise what games you'd like to play with people.
  • User ratings and comments on games.
  • Other user generated data such as tagging keywords against games and pictures, selecting banners for each game, assigning genres etc.
  • Metacritic scores to compare against user scores.
  • More robust website, probably using a new theme.
  • Make the site standards compliant.
  • Switch to better, more readable graphing software.
  • More metrics!
  • MUCH faster response times, currently there is a lot of SQL querying going on in the background when you load a page, my new backend should pre-process the data so pages should be quicker to load (if not, I'll bug my host).

Sounds superb! Thanks, and keep up the good work. :D
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