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I think the production company were running behind or something, so rather than the normal one or potentially 2 recap episodes often seen around mid series they did 4.

I beleive the Distributors in the U.S. deliberately worked out the episode count on the disks so that they could put all the recaps on that one disk so people could skip buying it if they wanted.
well thanks to werewolf I'll be getting Chobits this month, I've been wanting this for ages but really wanted to get the DVD+artbox and now I'm getting it I can buy the rest of the DVD's.
BTW is tenchi universe still the same price at rightstuff? may have to pop along and pick me one of them up :)
PS thanks again big W :D
loopstah said:
Still that price. Although it says In Stock and Available it shows on my order as "On order from Manufacturer"
hmmm yer just had a look, I really wanna get all of the tenchi in tokyo to :o I dont think my bank accounts gonna like this lol
loopstah said:
Still that price. Although it says In Stock and Available it shows on my order as "On order from Manufacturer"

It was showing that for me as well, right up until the moment the order shipped.

I've no idea why their system does that when it appears to have them in stock, but it had me quite worried when it was doing it with my Princess Nine disk 1 (the main reason I visited there the other day - it seems to be OOP and they had it in stock).
Watched 2 of the funniest series I've seen.

The first 2 Tenchi Muyo! OVAs were absolutely hilarious. I hardly stopped laughing through the whole thing the characters, situations and gags were just too funny. :D
I'm hoping that Tenchi Universe will be as funny and I'm looking forward to the last two volumes to come out so I can pick up the 3rd OVA.
The Mihoshi special was a laugh as well.

The other I watched today was Magic User's Club. Really funny, a different style of humour from Tenchi but still funny. The TV series looked a bit less polished than the OVA but it isn't too bad as it is oldish. I enjoyed watching it, nice and fun.

Nice to watch some fun anime for a change rather than the usual serious, complicated or dark stuff.
Lost Corpse, I remember the one now :)
Aye I remember thinking it wasn't really needed, but it was (I think) the only one in the series :)

Loopstah, Tenchi Muyo was very very funny at times, I think it was the series that really started the harem type anime and I think it's still one of the best.

If memory serves Universe is pretty much as good, although it does take a slightly different direction to the OVA's, and I think is toned down a bit.

I'm going to start on the Patlabor TV series tonight after the last disk of Ai Yori Aoshi, the post knocked this morning with 4 boxes from DVDPacific ;) (prettyfast considering they were sent via the cheapy shipping on the 30th of May).
Werewolf said:
I'm going to start on the Patlabor TV series tonight after the last disk of Ai Yori Aoshi, the post knocked this morning with 4 boxes from DVDPacific ;) (prettyfast considering they were sent via the cheapy shipping on the 30th of May).

I still haven't got round to watching Patlabor, then again it will take about 3 days to watch it all so I might wait till I'm off work.

I've noticed that DVDPacific usually is pretty fast when customs don't get involved. Sadly most of my orders are over limit so take an extra week or so. :(
Blasphemer TiT being the best Tenchi, how dare you! ;) (some people really hate TiT for some reason).

I personally prefer the OVA's, followed by TU but can't understand the hate some people have for Tokyo which I thought was a refreshing change :)
yup, it's taken them long enough to get round to it :) (what is it, nearly 10 years?)

On a slightly different note, I started watching Patlabor TV earlier and whilst the animation certainly isn't going to win any awards it looks like it's going to be a fun series :)
Anyone have any comments on Kimogure Orange Road? Apparently the license expires in July so it will be hard to find after that I imagine.

From what I've read it's supposed to be old but good.
It looks to be getting A's and B's at anime on DVD, unfortunately it's not one i'm going to be able to get next month unless TRSI do a special on it (and DVDP seem to have most of it "on order" at the moment).

With regards to it's licence status, I don't know but have a feeling Animeigo might relicence it if they can, especially if they can get it cheap (it's an older series), as I think it's one of their older licences and they do seem to hang on to most of them/relience them (The Bubblegum Crisis and AMG OVA's for example have both been relicenced by them with better quality masters after their originals went OOP).

Just read over at AOD that it sounds like Animeigo won't be getting the licence again as they've already tried :(
I may have to see how i'm doing in a few weeks.

I've been watching the first disk of Patlabor TV and so far it's looking pretty good :)
Found out that Kimagure Orange Road is a Sub only release so I might not bother.

Just took a chance on ebay, 0 feedback seller from the US selling Nadia Collection 1 + 2. They had a few other DVD's and Anime stuff for sale too though with real photos so I thought why not, as there's little chance I'll get collection 1 anywhere.

Why do such a mad thing?

Only $12 buy it now so at the worst I loose £10 so why not risk it. :D
Looking for a bit of advice about the series gunnm/battle angel. My friend managed to get the two OVAs and i've watched them and thought they were sweet. Does anyone know anything more about it? I know there are two sets of manga each 8/9 long and i think there was a film? Is this availiable at all?

Werewolf said:
Blasphemer TiT being the best Tenchi, how dare you! ;) (some people really hate TiT for some reason).

I personally prefer the OVA's, followed by TU but can't understand the hate some people have for Tokyo which I thought was a refreshing change :)

I thought TiT was very odd. I kept waiting and waiting for all the cool stuff to happen and it didn't. Loved the other stuff though.
Sandmaster500 said:
Looking for a bit of advice about the series gunnm/battle angel. My friend managed to get the two OVAs and i've watched them and thought they were sweet. Does anyone know anything more about it? I know there are two sets of manga each 8/9 long and i think there was a film? Is this availiable at all?


The film is apparently still in production (Cameron is behind that), whilst the OVA's are OOP and from what I hear fetching silly money at times (sort of makes me glad I picked my copy up;)).

As far as I'm aware there is no other anime at the moment, although that may change if the film does well ;), there is also 2 Manga/TPB series Battle Angel which runs to about 9 volumes and Last Order which I think runs for about 6 volumes (but I've got a feeling the English language release was discontinued).

cyKey said:
I thought TiT was very odd. I kept waiting and waiting for all the cool stuff to happen and it didn't. Loved the other stuff though.
Aye compared to the OVA's and Universe it did feel very different, less humour and action I think.

Has anyone else got a worryingly large backlog of DVD's at the moment?
Due to my Patlabor order I've currently got 15 DVD's to watch at this moment in time (with another 9 on the way), and it's too hot to sit and watch them :(
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