The all things Anime related thread.

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messiah khan said:
Spec me an anime please. Any suggestions of what I should watch next?

You should quite like Texhnolyze then.

It’s a very deep anime which revolves around the cultural aspects of mechanisation of the human species and the slow dissolving of humanity to the technology.

Top notch animation but there is very little dialogue compared to your normal anime as most of the feeling and emotion is given visually. In fact the first episode has the least words spoken in any anime ever produced if I recall correctly, it’s just pure cinematic eye candy.
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just received the first 2 dvd`d of `Full Moon Wo Sagashite`,only found out it had been licsenced for USA 3 weeks ago :)
been waitng for years so i could legalise ;) one of my fave anime :)
havent watched all way through yet but the VA thay have used for the english dub seem to fit the charecters and the op and and songs have remained untouched(still in original japanese)which i am pleased about. hope the rest of the songs throughout this anime is left untouched too.
shame that viz did not re-encode the series into 5.1 it is only 2 channel as original :(
messiah khan said:
Spec me an anime please. Ive not watched that much anime, so im not quite sure what there is out there. Of the ones I have watched, i'd have to say that Ghost in the Shell was my favourite. I just love the whole android/near future things and the fdreamy sequences when she gets ghost hacked.

If you mean Ghost in the Shell the film then you should watch Stand Alone Complex the TV version.
z0mbi3 said:
Samurai Gun looks good in trailers, but all the reviews I've read suggest it's crap.

Well I watched Vol 1 of Samurai Gun and thought it was ok but not good enough to spend any more money on any following volumes.

Also watched Vol 1 of Speed Grapher and Vol 1 of Elemental Gelade. Enjoyed both but Elemental Gelade got on my nerves a bit due to it being aimed to a younger audience, with animation like Yugioh.
I've had a moment Madmaness* were doing a 10th anniversary deal on Saturday, basically anything in their online catalogue was $10 a disc except pre-orders and Novembers releases.
I missed that (due to being busy and their server struggling), however they are repeating it over the next couple of days for people who missed out due to server problems or are subscribed to their newsletter.

I just placed 2 orders (to save on shipping and customs)
Order 1:
She the Ulimate Weapon vols 1-3
Total $36Aus inc shipping (about $9 a disc and $9 shipping)

Order 2:
She the Ultimate Weapon v4
Tsukihime 2 & 3
Total $36

I'm weak willed (i'm meant to be saving up but i've slipped twice this month - at least this wasn't for £120 worth of GW stuff), but at just over a fiver a disk I couldn't resist.

*The biggest Anime licensor/distributor in Aus, they also often share masters with the U.K. companies (things like the UK Fullmetal Alchemist and a lot of the Ghibli DVD's were mastered by them to share costs).
Werewolf said:
I just placed 2 orders (to save on shipping and customs)
Order 1:
She the Ulimate Weapon vols 1-3
Total $36Aus inc shipping (about $9 a disc and $9 shipping)

Order 2:
She the Ultimate Weapon v4
Tsukihime 2 & 3
Total $36

Hopefully you'll find out different , but I've heard that anime is nothing compared to the manga and that after ep 1 it degenerates into a bit of an etchifest?
sometimes I worry about you werewolf. your a games workshop type AND into anime.
do you play WOW aswell?
I wouldn't touch WoW with someone elses 10 foot bargepole.

Ultima Online for me:p

Anyone been into Impulse in MK?
I think they've taken over the old Screen Select store and it's much nicer (my opinion) in there now, they've got it much brighter and have a load of anime at £8 a disc :)
I picked up the Martian Sucessor Nadesico collection for all of £8 earlier :D
I think whoever was pricing them up didn't spot that it was a 6 disk set rather than a 1 disk release like the other 20 or so MSN disks they had:) (I already have the R4 release of MSN but given that it's OOP in the U.S. and looks like it's going OOP here as well I thought i'd pick up a spare copy).
:D YAY! Just got an e-mail from DVD Pacific saying my FMP! -TSR starter set has been shipped.

Not that i've got time to watch it but at least it will look nice on my shelf.
loopstah said:
:D YAY! Just got an e-mail from DVD Pacific saying my FMP! -TSR starter set has been shipped.

You won’t be disappointed, FMP-TSR is one of the best written and well animated series ever.

Can anyone please tell me where I can find Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan’s ring tone. I just watched watched this short OVA and it’s absolutely hilarious!.

Anyone heard of some anime called Bleech or Reech or leech, all I can remember is eech, I have no idea of spelling.

Apparently its new-ish and I quite fancy having a look at it, as it is suppose to be bigger than GITS series.

Talking of which 2nd Gig is out soon :)
Spacky said:

Anyone heard of some anime called Bleech or Reech or leech, all I can remember is eech, I have no idea of spelling.

Apparently its new-ish and I quite fancy having a look at it, as it is suppose to be bigger than GITS series.

Talking of which 2nd Gig is out soon :)

Yep it's deffinitley called Bleach & is by far & away the bestest Anime I have ever seen everer it's great :)

z0mbi3 said:
Is any one watching Witchblade atm? Up to episode 9 and it really is quite good. Can't recommend it enough.
you talking about the TV series? I didn't think there was an animé of it. just the normal American TV show. al-la highlander - The series
Finnished watching Ah! my godess and love hina, ive just realised both seem to have the same theme.

Now onto some more stuff, seriously running out of hdd space for all this anime :(
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