lay-z-boy said:seriously need advice on something that doesnt have to do with angels....![]()
Emo_hug said:![]()
Ghost in the shell Man machine interface is confusing?!?!?!?
VeNT said:hmm
Macross Plus anyone?
Emo_hug said:Gantz digresses from the manga in the last half of the show from memory. So you will probably find more ecchi in that.
z0mbi3 said:Thing is it was really definite. I think I got to episode 16 then all of a sudden there were sex scenes and panty shots![]()
. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but it was really out of context for the series.
There might be some higher meaning about it, but it definitley shocked me.
Werewolf said:Anyone else not had much chance to watch any anime recently?
I just realised i've had Vol 7 of the GITS second season sat on the side for a month, I've been caught up with the forums and Ultima online too much to sit down and watch it(i'm going to bung it in the player tonight).
Sparky__H said:So in episode two, the girl with the engorged breasts and the crotch eating dog wasn’t a subtle enough hint as to the future content of the anime?
Bear said:Uesd the HMV 20% discount in GD last night and got Gunslinger Girl Vol 1, FMA Vol 1 and Samurai Gun Vol 1.
Any of those that I shouldnt have bothered with, as I have time to cancel some of the order if need be ??
the_one_deep86 said:i just watched vampire hunter D: bloodlust. it was pretty good
are there any others like it?