The all things Anime related thread.

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Rather than make a new thread I thought that this was the place to come to

Now that Fourth Stage is showing its head I decided that it was time to re-watch the previous series' of Initial D. Something has always puzzled me, and I hoped to understand from watching them again but i can't, what's the deal with Mogi? Is she a schoolgirl escort type person, or is that pervy guy actually her father?
And if she is indeed an escort, is that the reason for which Takumi ditches her?

ooh, and if anyone knows where I can get any subbed (Initial D) DVDs from, I would be most grateful. So far I've only been able to find the comics, which don't really interest me that much.

Many thanks :)
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thought i'd give this a quick bump as it's fallen into the abyss :p

I finally got round to watch the first 4 episodes of FullMetal Alchemist over the last couple of days, and have to say it's caught my attention :)
From what little has been seen of the story and the characters it looks pretty good, and with plenty of promise.
I'm glad I bought the LE disc 1, as I had my doubts before, and wasn't sure if it was a wise move :)

I was watching a clip of the opening from Bubblegum Crisis (original OVA's) earlier, and it led me to wonder
Does anyone have a particular opening scene from an anime that they just love, and if so what is it and why?

For me the opening of Bubblegum Crisis OVA1 has to be it, the music, the style, the whole sequence (what is it, 4 minutes?) sets the series up brilliantly, from the first glimpse of the worn out, almost decrepid in places, but futuristic city with the Genome building dominating it, and then on to Priss in a run down night club getting ready for her perfomance.

El Gingo, I don't think it's out officially yet (aren't Viz still on the first series in the states?)

Nobody916, composers, that is fairly hard as apart from a select few (Kajuri and Kanno), there aren't that many names that spring to mind.
The only other one that I can name off the top of my head is possibly Hashimoto Ichiko (some/a lot of Rahxephon's music, the rest was done by Kanno I beleive).
What is the fasination with Anime? Its just like early morning saturday tv shows, but everyone on the internet seems to be obsessed with it. Too obsessed tbh...
El Gringo said:
Rather than make a new thread I thought that this was the place to come to

Now that Fourth Stage is showing its head I decided that it was time to re-watch the previous series' of Initial D. Something has always puzzled me, and I hoped to understand from watching them again but i can't, what's the deal with Mogi? Is she a schoolgirl escort type person, or is that pervy guy actually her father?
And if she is indeed an escort, is that the reason for which Takumi ditches her?

ooh, and if anyone knows where I can get any subbed (Initial D) DVDs from, I would be most grateful. So far I've only been able to find the comics, which don't really interest me that much.

Many thanks :)
Having watch all the episodes and remembering them,

She is some sort of a prostitute, she just calls him father that's all as he gives her cash etc :), Takumi does finish her in Stage 2 but near the end he forgave her and parted different ways, Mogi went to Tokyo for University, Takumi obviously decided to stay and race for Project D, and turn into a Professional driver along with Keisuke :)

Episodes 11 and 12 and out for 4th Stage now but in their raw formats :(, very exciting though! :)
Werewolf said:
thought i'd give this a quick bump as it's fallen into the abyss :p

I finally got round to watch the first 4 episodes of FullMetal Alchemist over the last couple of days, and have to say it's caught my attention :)
From what little has been seen of the story and the characters it looks pretty good, and with plenty of promise.
I'm glad I bought the LE disc 1, as I had my doubts before, and wasn't sure if it was a wise move :)

I was watching a clip of the opening from Bubblegum Crisis (original OVA's) earlier, and it led me to wonder
Does anyone have a particular opening scene from an anime that they just love, and if so what is it and why?

For me the opening of Bubblegum Crisis OVA1 has to be it, the music, the style, the whole sequence (what is it, 4 minutes?) sets the series up brilliantly, from the first glimpse of the worn out, almost decrepid in places, but futuristic city with the Genome building dominating it, and then on to Priss in a run down night club getting ready for her perfomance.

Don't get me started on FMA. Mine still hasn't arrived :mad: will have to get in contact with DVD pacific see if there is anything they can do.

Bubblegum Crisis OVA1 always has been and always will be the best opening sequence in any Anime. As you've said its a combination of the music and visuals, the way all the characters are shown in their normal jobs. If i remember correctly, isn't this the only Anime that had a different opening sequence for each episode?
This is the Anime that got me into buying music CD's from shows. My first import order was for the Complete vocal collection 1+2. I can also remember buying these on VHS when each episode was £21.99, when they had decent covers, none of this pink rubbish they changed to.

I just rewatched the opening sequence. OMG they dubbed the music. What a travesty, whoever thought this was a good idea needs shooting. I don't care for the Subbed Vs Dubbed issue, just don't touch the music.

I also liked the blatent BladeRunner references. The opening sequence music to using Priss & the Replicants. The original BubbleGum Crisis is still the best version.
Kenji Kawaii is not primarily a film/tv composer but he did do most of the original music for both GitS films (and a very good job of it too IMO!).
My fav intro from any anime series has to be the GitS : SAC intro. I think its mainly due to my love of all things CG :p

As for composers. No-one really sticks out in my mind. The person who done the Cowboy Bebop music is pretty good. And the music from both GitS movies fit them very nicely. But apart from that most of the music in anime really gets on my nerves. I can't stand J-pop, or even Pop music from over here.

What is the fasination with Anime? Its just like early morning saturday tv shows, but everyone on the internet seems to be obsessed with it. Too obsessed tbh...

I dont think there is mass obsession with anime on the internet. Its just easier to get in contact with others who are interested in it.
As for compairing it with saturday morning cartoons, OK some can be classed are SMC stuff. But the reason that anime is popular is that the Japaneese use anime as a medium for telling a story, rather than a genre as we in the west view it. And the attraction for anime for me is that the storys in anime are totally different to the stories we get here. For me thats a refresing change to the TV we get over here.
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Chronicle said:
What is the fasination with Anime? Its just like early morning saturday tv shows, but everyone on the internet seems to be obsessed with it. Too obsessed tbh...

As Kodiak says, it's a medium for storytelling, as opposed to a genre like animation is normally seen as in the west.

What anime we normally see on TV here, is usually the kiddy stuff for a simple reason, it normally has a load of merchandise available for it so advertisers will pay for slots etc.

Anime (when you look at what is available, rather than what is on TV here), covers just about every subject/genre that normal TV does in the west and then some :)
There is everything from political drama, to detective/crime stories, to horror and thrillers, to comedies, to hard sci-fi and eveything in between (one of my favourite OVA's is a romantic, horror comedy)
Chronicle said:
What is the fasination with Anime? Its just like early morning saturday tv shows, but everyone on the internet seems to be obsessed with it. Too obsessed tbh...

I don't know about anybody else, but for me I love cartoons or more like the medium. Combine this with real dark convoluted plots and the lack of problems when it comes to killing off characters no matter who they are and you have me hooked. There are very few good western cartoons as more often than not they are aimed at kids which is a bit of a shame really as there are some real good ideas out there. Maybe its just that people you have seen posting have a bit more of an open mind. The rest of my family treat anime as most people I know would and totally miss the plot or at least on the heavy stuff I have lent them they have and the funny stuff they do not see the parodies only the crass jokes. I am getting to the point now where I can't stand most things that Hollywood produces, I defiantly have unusual tastes, but it is all so samey and very rarely are risks takes it is all done in the pursuit of money. If you compare this to cinema from other countries where risks have to be taken for it to get to a main stream English release then you are almost guaranteed a good film.

Kodiak said:
The person who done the Cowboy Bebop music is pretty good. And the music from both GitS movies fit them very nicely. But apart from that most of the music in anime really gets on my nerves. I can't stand J-pop, or even Pop music from over here.

Cowboy bebop is Yoko Kanno and GitS is Kenji Kawai I think although Yoko Kanno did the music for SAC if my memory serves me correct. Have to say that I do have a unique taste in music as well, like most things in my life really. What I am finding more and more is that who plays the music is becoming irrelevant, it is the composer who matters. Certainly some J-pop is really annoying but other stuff is amazing, at the very least it is different from all the manufactured bands we get over here. I did not realise until I read the cd sleeve, but in a number of tracks from Noir Yuki Kajiura uses the bagpipes of all things, class.

Just finished watching Love Hina today and I have to say that I was presently surprised. I don't usually do comedy at the best of times although Nadesco changed that to a certain degree, but romantic comedy is a new one for me. All in all very funny, not too obvious I thought I had it sussed towards the end, but oh no next thing I know plot twist and the parodies were particularly good, though I'm sure I did not get them all.
Werewolf said:
I finally got round to watch the first 4 episodes of FullMetal Alchemist over the last couple of days, and have to say it's caught my attention :)
From what little has been seen of the story and the characters it looks pretty good, and with plenty of promise.
I'm glad I bought the LE disc 1, as I had my doubts before, and wasn't sure if it was a wise move :)
My housemate is mad for FMA, and he's gotten me into it now. The characters are really well-developed, and it has some great emotional points in it. Plus the alchemy stuff is just plain cool. There's a film in production at the moment too, although there are no actual pics from it yet I don't think. :)

Watched a couple of episodes of Hellsing last night, and it's... interesting. A little more adult than I expected, and the music is quality, but I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet, I'm barely sure what's going on yet. :o
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Hellsing is great :)

My big complaint with the anime (like many others), is that it doesn't actually end the story.

It's got some nice characters, some great settings (although some fans went nuts when Pioneer corrected a few lines of dialogue*), and as you say the music isn't bad either :)
The little clips at the end of each episode are just weird though.

*From memory the Japanese got the locations of some towns/landmarks wrong in relation to each other, so the translators corrected it where possible (and in my mind made the right choice).
Werewolf said:
OT, Divine Wind, did you email me the other day? (I think I was talking to you on IRC;))

Re:Alita ?
Yeah mate that was me.

Cant get mIrc working again :confused: stupid program :p

My MSN is in Trust if youre on MSN.

And just while Im here.

Did anyones Eva Plat Vol 2 come with decal or was that just Vol 1 ?

The swines bashed the box :(

My Vol 2 arrived today, and as soon as they have 3 in Im gonna order up to date.

Was my first shipment from pacific, and Im suprised that they only chuck em in a jiffy bag. Hope they box larger things.
i'll msn you tommorow if that's ok :)
i'm hopefully off to bed soon (i've been up nearly 24 hours*;)).

it was only disc 1 that came with the decal, i've got volume 6 in the post at the moment :)

Re Pacific packaging, yup they box anything larger than a double disc in my experience, unfortunately Eva Platinum is small enough it fits into a standard pack, whilst having a soft cardboard outer sleave :(
two of my Eva volumes have creases, and one of those was from DVDSoon and sent in a box as i paid the extra $1 (the box wasn't damaged).
From what i've heard it's not massively uncommon from any of the R1 retailers, even if you get it from a bricks and morter store.

The GITS:SAC volumes i've had from them in their sleaves have been fine though.

if you're using chatzilla the settings are
into the global preferences, autoconnect url
from there it's a
/j #overclockers-uk

*had the unbounded joy of one of my drives dying this morning (nothing much lost thankfully, apart from the larger versions of the weekly pics from and some wallpapers and photos - and my DVD pre-order list needing an updates)
Yeah thats fine mate,

You get some kip :p

Funnily enought my artbox for eva was from dvdsoon, came boxed as well but inside . .
Big crease on top of the artbox :(

Will look into chatzilla, thanks.
I'd never really seen any anime before I met my missus. She's an absolute Anime/Manga nut, and is actually a very good anime artist herself - she's done artwork for some books which have been published.....the last one was some Manga style role-playing book I think. She also goes to ACEN, which is a huge Anime/Manga convention here in the USA, every year and sits on "Artists Alley" drawing commissions for people as they watch - we made a packet last year ;)

Anyway, she mainly likes the cute anime, so that's all I've seen. I have to say tho, it's very good and I'm starting to get hooked myself. My favourite series so far would probably be Comic Party or Stawberry Eggs, both of which are pretty funny and well written. As far as movies go, Princess Mononoke and Kiki's Delivery Service are amazing. I wasn't so keen on Spirited Away.
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