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yup it's the US release i've got, it's all 3 OVA's on a single disk, AFAIK there isn't a "movie" version anywhere.
Okay all love hina fans you must buy the R2 release of the LH spring movie this may, the reason is, well i e-mailed MVM about a release date for LH again and they said "We're considering it but it's a little expensive.
Also Love Hina did not sell as well as we had hoped.
Also we have so many new titles backed up it may be difficult to fit it in.

We'll probably wait and see how the Love Hina Specials perform" :( dosent sound good looks like i am doomed to get the R1 version
PS werewolf and lotroscope: you were correct about LH again being on one disc my bad
A quick heads up for anyone that is interested :) appear to have a number of LE boxes cheap in their "bargain bin" section (Love Hina 1 + box, Please Teacher, some of the Hack//sign LE's).
So it might be worth checking out if you are after any, although their postage to the UK is pretty steep if you order just the one item ($15 for the first item/bundle, $3 for each additional item/bundle)
Thanks for the heads up Werewolf, will go and have a look later.

Well i finally got my FMA starter pack. Infact i got 2 of them now. After the long delivery time i had a look at DVDPacific's web and noticed it said "Discontinued" so i ordered from another site. That arrived Thursday and the next day the other set arrived. Looking at the box it shows that it cleared customs on 13th Feb but Royal Mail coundn't be bothered to deliver it until 4th March. Going to make a complaint tomorrow, which won't be the first one i've made either.

Having now watched the 4 episodes i must say i like it. Nice storyline intro, animation is nice and crisp, seems the days of poorer animation for TV is over. And Edward needs some anger management :D

All i've got to do now is stop playing WOW long enough to watch Nausicaa and Porco Rosso.
Not just having to create an account but the whole faff about verifying you are actually you and sending them ID :(

Im hoping someone with an account will offer to let me jump in on their order if I pay towards postage.
Kodiak said:
New Eva figures?

More information is required :D

Where did I get that from :confused:

Theyre by KAIYODO mate, look rather nice, but they just probs reissues of the odler kaiyodo ones.

**Rescued from the depths of thread hell**
BeanBandit said:
And Edward needs some anger management :D
Just don't call him short. ;)

I finished Hellsing, didn't really find it all that great. It was good, but there wasn't enough continous story or character development for my likes. Been watching some Cowboy Bebop over the last week. I really liked the film, but the series is even better at points, I'm really enjoying it so far. :)
Well my FMA Vol1 arrived this morning :D

Just finished episode 2.
Seems like its gonna be a good series, some beautifull animation and has an interestnig story.

Gonna watch eps 3 and 4 later and then preorder vol 2 lol

Is there anyone ordering from rightstuf ?
good to hear it arrived :)
did you happen to look at the customs stamp on the package? (that normally gives you an idea of how long it's been sat in the post office;))

i'm afraid that at the moment i'm not planning any TRSI orders :( (can't afford it, and i'm trying to cut down on anime DVD's)
mleh, the, and (official R4 Madman site which has the "madboards") are all good:) I think has forums as well, although I must admit despite visiting the site on and off for ages I've never got round to registering :)

Whilst i'm here, has anyone ever heard of "Galerians: Rion"?
I entered a competition on and was somewhat suprised to win it:D
I'll let you know what it's like once I've watched it (it arrived yesterday morning).

Finally, after meaning to watch it again for ages, I got round to putting Haibane Renmei on again and I'd forgotten how good it was (it's had me smiling all the way through the first disc).

As far as I know Galerians : Rion carries on from the games Galerians (PS1) and Galerians : Ash (PS2) both were quite interesting gaes, with tetsuo type mental attacks ad you need to keep popping pills n tuff to keep your powers up lol.
The cut scenes in the game were also nicely animated, if ya like the anime its probably worth picking up the games as they will probs only be about £8-10
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