Greetings folks.. I was back before Otacon, but went out for lunch with my 'rents instead of posting a "I'm back". Journey wasn't too bad, left by 9:30 and home by 12:50. Was a fantastic meet. I was a little nervous about turning up and meeting loads of random people (we had, what, 16 of us?) Everyone turned out to be fantastic though, and we had a great laugh almost all weekend. Chatting with guys over the space of the few days we seemed to have a similar opinion.. for a group who have this geek part in common, we are such a diverse group of people its amazing.
Wish I could join folks for the Camping meet, but sadly I'm not allowed to take holiday during the holiday period (too much work needs to be done whilst no students around), but I'm definately aiming to be at the swansea meet this year!