Man of Honour
Well I'm just working my way through the photos - I didn't realise so many had been taken! What a fantastic weekend, AT was great, Splash Landings was excellent fun, despite a nearly embarassing "slide" situation with Roz... The curry was fantastic - I'm glad we muscled our way in there, though I feel upset about missing out of chocolate cake! I over-indulged on Saturday evening, ate far too much, and am only recovering about now.... However, getting up at 830 this morning was more than worth it for riding Rita. That was thoroughly enjoyable and pretty damned cool. A decent drive home too. We were really lucky with the weather, shame there were no funky bars for Saturday evening though!
Once again it was great to put more faces to names, and meet more people off this fine forum. Great bunch of people, all of whom I look forward to seeing again at future meets! I hope you all had fun!
Once again it was great to put more faces to names, and meet more people off this fine forum. Great bunch of people, all of whom I look forward to seeing again at future meets! I hope you all had fun!