Just wanted to note that the 21.4.1 drivers, although with a few cosmetic niggles, have been largely fine with Vega.
Importantly, for those who have a real or 8+2 emulated 10-bit monitor, the 10-bit pixel format option in global graphics now appears to be working perfectly. Since enabling that option, I am seeing a very noticeable difference in the general colour gradient displayed, and this has been especially noticeable when comparing darker colours such as black and grey without making any gamma adjustments. As an example, general twitch streams for games such as Red Dead Redemption 2, which relies on lighting that falls in the black to grey spectrum to create a realistic effect, appear to more accurately distinguish between different lighting grades to create a noticeably more life-like image.
However, also note that I don't have the documentation or stats to empirically back my findings, so it could just as well be placebo. That said, I largely doubt that it is placebo, and it would make no sense given the obvious difference I think I am seeing. Anyway, you'll probably need to first check if your display is correctly configured in terms of monitor drivers/cables etc. by ensuring the monitor settings in the control panel include 10-bit colour as enabled alongside a maximised colour profile such as wide spectrum RGB 4:4:4.
The "10-bit pixel format option" is buggy for me causing Freesync to behave very weird on my Samsung G7 so I have to turn it off sadly. If I'm forgetting something then feel free to tell me