HBM cost more now than when it first came out, AI cards have increased demand for HBM so the price has skyrocketed. Desktop cards will probably never get it again. Desktop GPU’s will get GDDR7 next, get ready for 2*the chip bandwidth and half the bus width so they can make the cards cheaper and increase margins.I know HBM 3 is being used on Hopper in the ai space. The amd instinct cards also make use of HBM.
It never really had a good outing on pc, fury x was the poster child for it and it seemed like they were having production issues as fury x was never really in stock anywhere for the lifetime of the product, though weirdly nano and regular fury weren't that hard to get a hold of.
It reappeared on Vega in 2017 with HBM 2 and that's the last we seen of it.
Kinda odd amd dropped it so suddenly as it was in the works there from 2008. Though the conversation about chiplets started in amd around 2016 going by that gamers nexus video on rdna 3 with one of the techs from amd. Maybe having chiplets and hbm just wasn't feasible to do so they had to use gddr again. Looking at an rdna 3 die it basically looks like a hbm enabled gpu with the mcd's surrounding the gcd, so maybe squeezing even more into that space with hbm stacks just wasn't possible?
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