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The AMD Driver Thread

So we are being disrespectful by asking for updates and showing our disgust for the state of affairs with crossfire profiles and drivers. When has anyone in this thread made it in any way personal to Matt?

We paid for products which are currently not performing how they were sold to us. Our hate right now is towards AMD and not Matt, the idea of putting pressure on Matt is that he hopefully feeds our comments back. I'm sure Matt knows that. You seem to be awfully defensive, you should drop the barrier and stop hating on those who are unhappy with AMD's current communication and driver support. You seem to be showing a total lack of respect for those who are unhappy with a product that they bought from AMD, which we paid bloody good money for!

Am Unhappy I spent £500 on a Monitor but can NoT use FreeSync d you see me in here every day crying? No
I accept that this needs more testing! Matt isn't going to update me on this until he has the information..
I also can understand, AMD need more time to work on these NVIDIA titles!
These things happen and like I said above Nvidia isn't perfect either I can name two titles from recent past that Nvidia users waited much longer than AMD for Performance fixes/SLI SOM and Tomb Raider!
Pretty sure Matt knows that everything said here is directed at AMD and nothing to do with him personally. Still, when writing of our displeasure of AMD, it is courteous to write it in a way where it is clear it is directed at AMD.
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Am Unhappy I spent £500 on a Monitor but can NoT use FreeSync d you see me in here every day crying? No
I accept that this needs more testing! Matt isn't going to update me on this until he has the information..
I also can understand, AMD need more time to work on these NVIDIA titles!
These things happen and like I said above Nvidia isn't perfect either I can name two titles from recent past that Nvidia users waited much longer than AMD for Performance fixes/SLI SOM and Tomb Raider!

I understand your opinion on the matter but i don't agree, i think Matt needs to be more vocal during times like this as it would reassure us that AMD still care. It's obvious AMD keep Matt on a very short leash which is sad, i'm sure he has every intention of helping us but directing our dissatisfaction at him will hopefully wake up AMD into allowing him to at least be a bit more vocal with us.
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I understand your opinion on the matter but i don't agree, i think Matt needs to be more vocal during times like this as it would reassure us that AMD still care.

But vocal about what though? I don't understand what you guys expect him to say? He can only reply with an update soon etc meaning when he gets it. and then he will only get more stick for it..
I understand your opinion on the matter but i don't agree, i think Matt needs to be more vocal during times like this as it would reassure us that AMD still care.

I would imagine his silence is not by choice. If he was to do what you wanted, he would likely lose his job. What you need to be saying is you think AMD need to be more vocal.
But vocal about what though? I don't understand what you guys expect him to say? He can only reply with an update soon etc meaning when he gets it. and then he will only get more stick for it..

Providing reassurances to all those who are unhappy with current state of affairs, you would think that having an AMD rep on this forum would allow him to share some inside info with us. Even if that means what is currently going on with driver development, i'm sure they'll have a target date for getting the new drivers out but probably aren't willing to share it with us.

I would imagine his silence is not by choice. If he was to do what you wanted, he would likely lose his job. What you need to be saying is you think AMD need to be more vocal.

I updated my post a couple of mins ago. Check it again.
I understand your opinion on the matter but i don't agree, i think Matt needs to be more vocal during times like this as it would reassure us that AMD still care. It's obvious AMD keep Matt on a very short leash which is sad, i'm sure he has every intention of helping us but directing our dissatisfaction at him will hopefully wake up AMD into allowing him to at least be a bit more vocal with us.

Providing reassurances to all those who are unhappy with current state of affairs, you would think that having an AMD rep on this forum would allow him to share some inside info with us. Even if that means what is currently going on with driver development, i'm sure they'll have a target date for getting the new drivers out but probably aren't willing to share it with us.

We definitely do care Benny and rest assured plenty of work is going on behind the scenes, despite various obstacles we have to overcome. As for an update, I have nothing further to add that is not mentioned in the KB we produced last week. Of course, as soon as that changes I'll update here, as i usually do when we release drivers. :)
We definitely do care Benny and rest assured plenty of work is going on behind the scenes despite various obstacles we have to overcome. As for an update, I have nothing further to add that is not mentioned in the KB we produced last week. Of course, as soon as that changes I'll update here, as i usually do when we release drivers. :)

I know you do care Matt. I am happy we have an AMD rep on this forum, i apologise if anything i did say seemed personal. That was never my intention. Just expressing that i'm not happy with the current driver support.
I do, but personally speaking I was not that impressed with the graphics so have not spent much time playing it. It did run fine on a single gpu when i tried it though.

I'm completely hooked on GTA V at the moment so everything else is on the back burner.

I'm really enjoying TW3 but i too think the graphics is a bit meh. The grass and foliage especially looks kinda crappy. Also Matt, when i play GTA5 my first card will only be running at about 80% utilisation but my second card runs at 99-100%. Do you know of anything that could cause that?
I think the only sensible explanantion at this point is that AMD are doing a total re-write of their drivers ahead of Windows 10, I can't see any other sensible reason why they would allow the situation to get this dire.
It's a shame the drivers are so bad at the minute.
I had two AMD cards last year. A 280x and a 7990 and they were both superb. Although when I changed to twin 290x's (after a brief spell with 970's) I just couldn't get anything to run properly. I've subsequently sold them at a considerable loss and bought a GTX 980 and now a Titan-x with no issues.
Hopefully AMD will sort it out soonest as this will seriously put me off buying a 390x when they're released.
It seems some do care otherwise they wouldn't mention it. AMD driver thread users have every right to ask for what they would like imo

People are mentioning it presumably because they're unaware of what whql means. It means microsoft tested the drivers, nothing more. Has that in the past stopped drivers from amd or nvidia being dodgy? Nope. So really it means nothing. One of the nvidia drivers a while back was a WHQL driver and had a bug where the gpu could be cooked because of some issue with the fan. Says it all.
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I do, but personally speaking I was not that impressed with the graphics so have not spent much time playing it. It did run fine on a single gpu when i tried it though.

I'm completely hooked on GTA V at the moment so everything else is on the back burner.

Any discussion with Obsidian to add CF support on Armored Warfare?
Is using the CryEngine after all....
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